Two Out Of Four.

123 8 118

now how the hell did you enter this situation?


"fuck off." 

the woman whom you had such a wonderful interaction with was ordering you to get her a drink.


because somehow.


you became her personal butler.

now this roundabout way of talking was normal.

you handed her the drink none the less, and sat down on a chair a few feet away.

"did mineself give you permission to sit?"

"sit on a dick woman." you gave her the middle finger.

she huffed and turned away.

"such vulgar language. i expected nothing less from you."

there was one thing you've noticed about her.

due to your new residence in her domain, she does infact, know how to rule.

and quite effectively.

you wondered how Subaru was doing.

"lost in thought?" she asked you, giving you a small glance as you stared out of a window. "it seems my thoughts of your lack of intelligence is right if you can't even organise your own thoughts."

"you're making it hard for me not to shove my gun's barrel down your throat."

"once more, resulting to violence. have you no class?"

"i swear all the time, insult you, and have already knocked someone out in the span of 1 day. does that answer your question...bitch?"

she looked away from you, clearly disgusted.

"i do have a question for you though." you spoke, pointing at her. "why'd you hire me? anybody else would have ran away and left me in the capital."

she got out her signature fan from her breasts.

"you were interesting, and worthy of my presence."

"you class your company through interest? don't blame you."

"oh? you're agreeing with me?" she spoke, seemingly pleased at the fact you finally learned your place and agree with he-

"because no one would actually want to stay by your side if they had a choice. well maybe i would. only because it's fun to piss you off."

never mind.

she raised her hand, shooting a small magic spell straight at you.

you moved your head to the side and avoided it.

"so obvious." you spoke out, staring straight at her. "next time, reduce the bloodlust and aim for a unexpected location."

you stood up and moved over to her, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"like around here".

you placed a finger under her shoulder and onto the side of her body, causing her to twitch.

"....unhand me. right now."

"how" you whispered into her ear.

her fan made contact with your eye and you backed up, rubbing your eye in pain.

"see? already learning. good job woman."

"you dare patronise me?"

"indeed i do snowflake, it's fun."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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Magic? How About.....A GUN!? (Re:zero x l4d2 malereader)Where stories live. Discover now