First meet

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Rain drops drizzling down soaking the earth, flowers and leaves taking a shower in it, birds chirping melodiously..the whole atmosphere seemed calm, quiet and cosy.

Jwala cuddled her pillow and slept with a smile etched on her face. She always loved rain and the mornings. She never wanted to get up from the bed.

Her alarm rang, time showing 5 AM. She groaned and dismissed it. She slept for some more time

After half an hour, her eyes opened and looked at phone to see it was 5.30 AM already. Jwala face palmed herself.

Just before when it looked it was its 5.30. It felt like a second only.

She pouted and got outside the bed, went to the washroom and did her morning activities.

Jwala did a light yoga exercise which calmed her mind.

She went down and saw the whole house quiet.

"Where is amma ? She didn't wake up yet. It's too comfortable to sleep in rain. Must be sleeping"

She smiled and went to the kitchen for preparing tea for both, making her long hair into a bun.

The aroma of the tea and rain outside, what else seemed perfect that very moment ?!

Taking in the smell of tea, Jwala smiled and poured into two cups.

She went to the room to inform Ramya about tea, but she felt her bed empty. Jwala frowned, but sighed when she heard water sound from the washroom.

Jwala came back to see it all dark in the living room.

She went to switch the lights on but frowned hearing some noise. She saw the main door slightly opened too.

Jwala adjusted her vision and frowned seeing a dark figure. Her heartbeat quickened. She could not see the face.

Unknowingly she took two more steps quickening her breath.


Jwala screamed when she felt two strong arms wrapping around her waist from behind, and she found one of that palm shutting her mouth.

She bit the palm with all her strength..

"Ouchh!!! ..Amma...its me....."

She quickly traced the switchboard and switched the lights on.

He frowned seeing a girl dressed in pyjamas and shirt, hair all down her shoulders due to the commotion and sweatdrops on her forehead with a frown mixed out of tension and anger at the interruption.

Little bit of her waist peeked out when the incident happened. She saw him looking there and suddenly pulled down her shirt.

Flirt. She mumbled in her mind.

"Who are you ? Where is my mother ? He broke the silence"

"What happened, dear?" Ramya came running hearing the commotion.

Soon she saw them standing face to face 3 feet apart.

"Vihuu... ?" Ramya's frown turned into a suprise and hugged him in her embrace.

"Surprise ..amma.."

He chuckled hugging her back while looking at Jwala. She looked down on the floor.

"Why didn't you tell me that you'd come today ? Too bad"

"I thought to suprise my darling. Actually it was unexpected for me too. Meeting ended early, so i booked the next flight and came here"

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