Concourse influ-ency causal of Phrase Shrinkage in Usage of (all) Languages

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[Pre-drafting. Not yet authored suitably. All sections under continual incremental edit. Duplicating exertions (*efforts arcane) at Travenue Venue (*internet and *website both arcane), in varying levels of uptime and update.]

..."Closed captioning and mute, then on to enjoying ticker tapes, is readily availing. Closed captioning off and mute off, for the remainder of shows broadcast that are selectable on television channels, is also readily availing. Personally policing the types of online internet video and podcast content, delineating between dangerous actual event reporting and far safer fiction or music audio, is at the ready as well, for most readers, of this "Combating Mollification of Voicemen Languages (Cognitive, Vocal, and Textual)."...

Television and social service news sources are great avenues for experiencing, moment-to-moment, new(s) on actual living and recently evolving activities. Yet I noticed and discovered several years ago, a correlation between television news with "high quality human nearby" audio. I concluded that to some degree as a minimum, language usage shrinkage and mental agility partial semi-collapses, did occur in some persons as great in intensity/magnitude, and did occur in all persons (including myself) of some lesser yet regular intensity and magnitude, from engaging in short to long duration audio hearing of televised actual events. These hearing sessions of televised actual events are hosted by voice audio, performed by persons trained to speak and say in a method not tiresome, gladly. We all have been somewhat mildly victimized, while unable to assess differences by contrast, by home theatre audio. Social media subscription venues featuring commercial or personal amateur videos with audio of voice commenting rather than safer music or fictional scripting, plus nonfiction documentary or technique podcasts, are very indoctrinating to audio language usage.  Most of these types of audio immersions, are of actual events, rather than fiction, of which fiction is far safer to mental cadence and think process interactive engagement. For fiction or music audio immersions, we each relate very differently to fictional context, than to actual event issues, of which we each are keen to quickly discern the difference. Upon aging, after infancy, at some very young age, we each were introduced to fictional and nonfiction differences, by parents well parenting. This fiction/nonfiction discernment is readily and early done, and by the nature of human nature, is subjectively well self-managed at such very young age, upon fairly short explanation.

"High-quality human-nearby actual events" audio is the actual "main component" of television new(s) watching/hearing. Such audio main component, over many decades to my notice, has introduced and emplaced stubborn muddied ruts in language usage and conversation topic relative unmaneuverability encountered after audio hearing sessions. I had previously "not quite registered" these factors as causal or effecting upon mine and relatives', friends', and acquaintances' language usage abilities. I discovered that these after-effects were mostly predominant upon people during several hours after a session of high quality human nearby actual new event voice hearing, as said, from audio-television in the  homeplace. 

The degree of screen watching is not the issue, I considered. The audio flowing, quietly or loudly, with broadcast hosts themselves very much conditioned and language usage indoctrinated themselves, by consuming and producing more television news experiencing than for the remainder of us at home, does put some perspective on television news hosts having no special privileged vocational position to be other than similar to each of us. Their personal living with these after-effects would reasonably be more similar to the more avid television watchers/hearers among us. I then considered that over the many decades, and thus to our entire geologically-global populations and economies, televisions not muted and/or closed captioned for when the news or documentaries are displayed and heard, did match and fit my experiencedness, and that of others, with home theatre audio component of televised actual events and documentaries, etc. This match for me was very crisp and obvious, as primarily causal to many persons acting often as voice conversers temporarily stymied on personal interests other than those strictly matching broadcast topics, soon after hearing/watching such actual event presentations. Audio interior to the home is of sound qualities very intimate, and seems often scripted very poorly to least standards in breadth and agility of language usage. Yet worse, regular televised news hearers(/watchers) have obviously in the more pronounced cases, become long-term stymied in textual authorship, of any sort, ranging from jotting idea-lists for shopping, to social media posts, to more formal endeavors and pursuits at typing, or by cursive/printed scripting.

Television drama, comedy, or fantasy and fiction audio, with viewable video component, though to some persons do assess as poor influences on other persons, are upon more shows watched/heard of notice to other persons as sortable as to partially adopted usage and mindset, and partially rejected usage and mindset. Persons are smart, as for their own purposes, endeavors, and pursuits. If other persons than you the reader truly possess affinity to those shows you assess as somewhat twisted shows, then probably that fit them already, and with that follows that such show hearing/watching did not precede their personal inclinations, those being key and prime to each of us. That cinches that issue for me, that fiction audio in television is not a danger to us all.

Analytically, for each person solo, there truly is no danger to self from fiction categories of television audio immersion, especially as it lesser effects our enjoyment of our language usage. Yes, fiction show producers, script writers, directors, and actors also in many cases are partial mild victims of "high quality human nearby actual new event audio" from hearing/watching televised news, such that the shrinkage of our language usage is evident in those shows as well. Yet the preceding danger and root is televised news without mute and closed captioning.

As refreshing and vitalizing as news is, the component of actual actively ongoing events mixed with such high quality human nearby audio aspects, does indoctrinate our language usage and conversational style of output/input management, very much such. The degree of this effect and after-effect is in the realm of believing, with plenty of doubt as to the exactitudes. Yet at the same moment-to-moment time, it's fairly sure and certain that some degree of conditioning to language phrasing has cascaded in the past many decades, and this can be known in personal partial and personally customized self-adoption of probably valid conclusion. That's with no desire to culminate at factual match, which would partially spoil future inclinations to experience new adjustments to knowing. Also noticeable, conversing dominance has cascaded with regular televised news hearing. Such conversers, when speaking/saying via voice to other persons via telephone or in person, often drone one-way vocally via voice. This truly I believe is a valid danger to any of us, and indoctrinates not our ethics or people-orientations, but our foundational cadences mentally, and in ugly cases a mimicry of television hosts or fiction actors is noticeable while in face-to-face in person conversation or via telephone, as unwittingly to the speaker while saying via voice, obviously in some cases. The ugliness of it is not in any catastrophe notable at any short time interval, but the regularity has cascaded continually for decades, which is the ugly part that I believe is readily correctable, and to great enjoyable boon for any of every person.

Closed captioning and mute, then on to enjoying ticker tapes, is readily availing. Closed captioning off and mute off, for the remainder of shows broadcast that are selectable on television channels, is also readily availing. Personally policing the types of online internet video and podcast content, delineating between dangerous actual event reporting and far safer fiction or music audio, is at the ready as well, for most readers, of this "Combating Mollification of Voicemen Languages (Cognitive, Vocal, and Textual)."   

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