Chapter 1

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I woke up at 2:41AM. Figures. I seem to have a habit of waking up at weird hours of the night. I reached over to my nightstand to check my phone. Eleven new messages and four missed calls. That's what I get for the one time I put my phone on silent. Everything was from my best friend Rachelle telling me her usual nightly gossip, except for two texts from my boyfriend Cameron saying he was "sorry" again and he "loves me." Well, I love you too but "I'm sorry" is getting real old.

In all seriousness, I love Cameron so much. He was my best friend before we started dating. I've known him since I was thirteen and he means the world to me. I don't like the fights we've been getting into recently but for the sake of our relationship I'm looking past them. I know he's under a lot of pressure with family trouble and trying to make it big with his band but sometimes I think he doesn't understand that I'm stressed too. I have more family problems than he does and I'm also trying to make a name for myself in music.

I dropped out of school when I was fourteen to become a singer. So far, so good. Sure I'm nothing big right now, but I've gotten far enough to work with professional producers in Los Angeles, New York and Nashville and record some originals. I have a small fan base but I'm okay with that right now. It takes time. His band has a lot bigger group of fans than I do. They've been touring for the past few years. I'm really proud of them and I'm happy for him. It's awesome to see him doing what he loves. To some extent, I'm slightly jealous because he's got more fans and gets to tour more than I do, but at the end of the day, we're both just regular kids who stay up all night watching Friends reruns, eating ice cream, and worrying about how we're going to get on with our lives.

We both still live with our parents even though I'm eighteen and he's twenty two. We spend most of our money paying producers and studios to record our music and in result, we can't afford to move out and get our own places.

I used to not mind living with my parents but my mom took up alcohol when I was eleven and life's not been the same since. I dread going home usually and I always end up calling Cameron when I need to cry about whatever horrible thing my mom said to me that time. Don't get me wrong, I love my mom like crazy, but when she has a glass, she turns into a completely different person. I've begged her for years to stop drinking but she won't. She can't admit she has a problem and usually doesn't remember the ridiculous fights we have because of it. I know my mom cares for me and supports me but that doesn't really make up for the way she treats me the rest of the time.

I heard my phone buzz and recognized a text from my friend Danielle. I don't know if I should call her my friend anymore. I've known her since eighth grade and when I first met her she was a total bitch and I tried my best to avoid her. I didn't see her for a couple years after I dropped out of school until we ran into each other one day and she had a totally different personality. She was suddenly really nice. She was still fairly sarcastic, but not at all like she used to be. I was shocked at the way she'd changed, but we quickly became close friends and for awhile I considered her my best friend.

Ever since she found out I was dating Cameron though, she changed her attitude. She really hated him and had no reason to. He never did anything to her. Hell, he didn't even hardly know her! But she was dead set on convincing me to break up with him and date one of his band mates, Zach. I ignored the idea because, one, that's just stupid, and two, I didn't really get along with his band mates anyway. I was happy with Cameron and I guess she just couldn't look passed what she thought was "best for me."

Every time we spoke now, the conversation always focused on my relationship with Cam, and it was really getting on my nerves. There's only so many times your "friend" can tell you to break up with your boyfriend before you flip. I think the reason Cameron and I have been arguing a lot lately though is really Danielle's fault because we're both so annoyed over her constant nagging for us to break up. It's causing us relationship drama. Well, that and I think we're both just really stressed about everything else going on in our lives that we just take it out on each other. Either way, I don't like it.

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