Chapter 14

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He looked down at me with a comforting smile and brushed my damp hair off my forehead, leaning down to kiss me softly. Something about the feeling of his sweat dampened bangs against my forehead made me smile. We laid there for a few minutes just watching each other, relaxed. He broke our gaze to glance at the clock on the nightstand. I immediately remembered we'd snuck away from the party downstairs and I realized how horrible of an excuse I'd used to leave. Who the hell takes a bathroom break for over an hour?! I was gonna be in so much trouble. Tyler noticed the change in my facial expression and he looked concerned.

"Are you okay love?" he frowned.

"My excuse to leave was a bathroom break," I mumbled. "We're so caught."

He sighed. "Maybe not..."

"What do you mean?"

"I'll make up something," he smiled. "Don't worry."

"Are you sure?"

"Do you trust me?"I saw a nervous look flash across his face.

"Yes," I smiled. "I trust you."

His smile returned and he lifted his body off of mine, rolling onto his side next to me.

"It's late," he whispered. "We should get back."

I didn't wanna go back. I didn't wanna face Cameron. I wanted to stay right here with Tyler. I cuddled up against his chest and he pulled me into a warm embrace, kissing my cheek.

"How was that?" he whispered.

"It was..." I sighed, looking for the right words.

That's when I realized something that hit me like a brick.

"The best I've ever had," I breathed.

I felt him smile against my shoulder."Me too," he whispered.

I suddenly felt so guilty for enjoying sex with Tyler more than sex with Cameron. I felt like a horrible person but I couldn't control my feelings. I didn't understand why all the sudden I felt so safe and perfect with Tyler. It wasn't supposed to be that way. Was it?

Tyler gently moved back from me and smiled down at me.

"What do you wanna do?" he asked. "Stay here or go back? We'll do whatever you want."

I wanted more than anything to just cuddle up with Tyler and stay there for the rest of the night but I knew Cameron would freak if I never returned to the party.

"I don't wanna go," I sighed. "But I think we have to."

He nodded. "Okay baby."

He climbed out of bed and fetched his clothes, walking in the bathroom to get dressed. I didn't wanna move from the covers cause I was warm and cozy but I forced myself to get up and get dressed. I went into the bathroom and Tyler was buttoning the top of his shirt. I looked at my appearance. My makeup looked alright and my dress was fine but I had sex hair. I pulled my hair into a twisty and tried to tie it back where nobody would notice how messed up it was.

"Can you help me?" Tyler asked, gesturing to his tie.

I helped him get his tie back on and he grabbed his blazer as we headed out the door. I felt gross. Dirty. I wanted to take a shower. I always felt gross after sex but I had to ignore it and go back to the party. We made our way down to the ballroom and there was still quite a few people there. Tyler pulled me aside in the hall before we walked in.

"I'm gonna make up some bullshit so just follow my lead," he said as we turned for the doors.

Walking into the ballroom, Tyler wrapped his arm around my waist and I immediately wished he hadn't when Cameron and David spotted us. We casually walked back to our table like nothing was going on. Cameron stood up crossing his arms. I tried to look innocent.

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