chapter 1: a goodbye to my first love

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Introduction :
Hello everyone I'm the writer/author of this story, English isn't my first language and  it's my first time writing a story so I'm kinda nervous 😭 anyways my purpose on writing this story is to entertain myself and you who read this, so I hope you enjoy this story and pls correct me if I'm wrong. Don't forget to vote if you enjoy this story.

Dekisugi's pov :
My name is hidetoshi dekisugi and I'm a transfer student from black rose academy. Even though I just transferred it was easy to make friends thanks to my looks and my intelligence, teachers adored me and my grades, girls fawned all over me and guys wants to be friends with me, I quickly became popular.

I have everything, fame, looks, money,  but I only want him. Nobita nobi. His fluffy soft brown hair shine as if the sun touches it, his pale Ivory skin stands out and his eyes glow everytime I looked at it, his clumsiness and nervousness just add up to his cuteness and the way his ears go red when he's embarrassed is just so lovable. How can I not love a person as cute as him??

"Hey Nobita what's your lunch?" It was takeshi and suneo again picking on nobita, "ohh a rice ball just in time I'm really hungry, give me that" takeshi said and snatched his lunch "w-what?, what am I suppose to eat then?" Nobita was shaking and his voice was trembling. I can see that he's scared. "Nobita, the teacher is calling you into his office, please follow me" I said and grab his hand dragging him out of the room.

When we were far from the classroom I stopped and turned to looked at him. " Are you alright?" I ask worriedly, "y-yes but the teacher is calling us so I think-" before he could finish his sentence I cut him off "it was a lie. The teacher wasn't calling you." I confess "What, then why did you called me?" He ask "because I wanted to help you, that's why. Come on now let me buy you a lunch." I said and once again dragged him to the canteen.

After that day we became pretty much close to each other, and I was really happy. We would eat lunch together, go to school together and go home together, it's like we're dating. Suneo and takeshi stoped harassing him after that. We always get along since we have many things in common and he's a Beta and I'm a dominant alpha so we didn't get that much issues. Years flews by and graduation is already near.

"Dekisugi, what do you plan on doing after graduation?" Nobita ask "I don't know, maybe hang out with you" "hmm that is a good idea too but I don't know if my mom will allow it" "hahaha don't worry aunt always agree's with me" " NOBITA DEKISUGE IT'S TIME TO PRACTICE" our president yelled.

-*after the practice*-

"Ugh its just graduation why have so much preparation and practice?? I'm so exhausted" Nobita said complaining "then should we grab a drink before going home?" I suggested  "waahh you're the best dekisugi" Nobita said and hugged me. Even though it was a short hug it still made my heart pound with happiness.

After buying a drink we sat down near a park watching the sunset, we sat next to each other and he leaned his head on my shoulders "ugh today was rally tiring, I'm glad I have you by my side." Even though I Know he meant it as a friend My heart skipped a beat and it kept pounding, my face is really hot and it was the first time my head was messy and is in daze.

I planned on confessing to him on graduation day but I think confessing early wouldn't hurt. "Nobita" I called, turning my head to look at him. "Hmm? What is it?" He said turning his head. At that time our face was really really close to each other and I can see him blushing. It's cute. "Nobita  you know you look really cute right now" I laughed making the atmosphere more tense.

"W-what do you mean by that  d-dekisugi?" Looking at his face it was really red, he must be embarrassed. He was avoiding my eyes and His luscious lips looks soft and tender, it was colored pink that suits his ivory skin. I hold his chin up making him look into my eyes and brushed his lips  "I mean that I like-" *bzz bzz bzzhis phone was ringing.

He quickly answered it and his face change immediately, "yes I'm on my way" and hung up the call. he suddenly stood up and said "sorry dekisuki but there was an emergency and I really need to go back" he said, before I could even offer him a ride he ran off immediately. I guess my confession will really be on our graduation day.

The next day I wake up really early to get my hair done and I hired a professional make up artist to put a slightly make up on me since I want it to look natural. I was really excited and nervous at the same time and there's just so many mixed emotions right now that I might get overwhelmed later.

When I arrived I was fawned over by a bunch of girls and I couldn't even go and see him before the ceremony start. During the graduation I can't seem to see Nobita and I was worried sick but when his name was called he came out out of nowhere which relieved me. the whole time I was staring at him but never once has he ever glanced at me. Something feels off about him.

After that I saw him leaving the stadium and I followed him "isn't it too early to leave?" I asked but he didn't stop walking and simply ignored me. "Hey I was talking to you, you know" I pulled his hand to see him crying. Why are you crying I said concernly and pulled him close to hug him. He looked up with an adorable crying face and told me "my mom got into an accident and she needs an urgent medication, the doctor told us that we should move to a bigger hospital and we're moving out of town right now"

His words shocked me and at the same time it breaks my heart that I can no longer see him. "I'm so sorry dekisugi, I didn't really want to leave you behind but I need to hick" his voice was shakey and I knew deep down that he don't want to leave but he have to."shh it's alright Nobita no need to worry about me so please stop crying, it breaks my heart seeing you cry.'

"The ceremony was longer than I expected and it was really tiring" it was a group of girls coming towards us, I Lifted him making him face Howard's me and brought him to the nearest bench where no one could see us. I just hugged him tightly and watched him cry silently. At that time  I feel so powerless not being able to help him and couldn't do anything. And I realize what I wanted to be. I wanted to be someone who can protect him and give him anything he wants. I want to be someone who's powerful enough and worthy enough to have him. When the right times come I promise to confess my feelings to you and will love you with all my heart, supporting you endlessly and having to grow old with you.

he later stopped crying. And his dad called picking him up from the school.  I walked him until we got to the front gate. as he got inside of their car the window opened he said something but I couldn't seem to hear it nor know it, he then waved goodbye and drove off. Goodbye Nobita, may fate let us meet again.

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