chapter 3 : dekisugi's lover

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Hi everyone it's me again the author of this story. I know it's been a long time since I updated, and I apologize. So to make it up to you guys I will try to make this chapter really long but it's kinda rushed so I will really appreciate it if you guys correct my mistakes. btw I will try to update more often since vacation started and Please vote if you enjoy this story that's all for now.

Nobita's pov

-*warning for those who are sensitive to violence*-

It was my senior year in highschool and it's very hard to fit in as I'm not a very sociable person. I often got bullied by takeshi and suneo, and got my lunch snatch away by them. My day wouldn't be completed without them harassing me, they would beat me up if I didn't do what they told me to do and would always steal my allowance and lunch. I would always hide in one of the bathroom stall or at the back of the school to eat alone but they would still find me no matter what. They would pour their anger out on me, kicking my stomach until I vomit blood, throwing glass bottle and hitting me with a bat, there's a time where I thought my bones were dislocated from the impact and I was on my bed for days, I couldn't even move. I would sometimes plead to them to spare me but they didn't give a shit about me.

Every night I would have nightmares about those memories that I don't want to remember. My life was a living hell thanks to those two. I could only hide those scar on my body by wearing long shirt and pants. When my parents saw me all beaten up when I got home and ask me what happened I would give excuses to my parents that I had an extreme training on baseball or that my body was too frail and couldn't hold on. I couldn't get help from anyone since I don't have any friends, and I don't want my parents to worry and be a burden to them nor my teacher since they just ignore my plead and took it as a joke, it's just me all alone. I just want to finish my senior year as quickly as possible and get out of here.

"Class today we have a transfer student from black rose academy treat him well" the teacher announced, a tall guys with a charming face came in with a refreshing scent lingering around him. It kinda smelled like a green tea that was very calming, he walk on the front and introduce himself. "Hello everyone, good morning my name is Hidetoshi Dekisugi please take care of me" he said and gave a little bow to show respect. "He's surely a dominant alpha, I mean look at his height and his pheromones are strong" "I know right, and he's handsome too" seems like another kid will be popular. Must be nice.

Well he is handsome though, he's tall with a broad shoulders and he have this gentle and kind aura around him, he have a thick eyebrows that matches his eyes, his uniform was wore neatly even his buttons were shining, a fair clear skin and a green tea pheromones. He gives off the kind popular guy vibes just from a glance, while I was looking at him, our eyes met. Shit, I quickly looked away but it was too late. He walked towards me and sat at the empty seat next to me. Even though I tried so hard to ignore him I could really feel his presence, I couldn't help but take a glance, it wouldn't hurt to just take a glimpse right?.

When I took a glance at him he was already looking at me,"Hi there my name is Hidetoshi Dekisugi" he beamed and extended his hand. weird, my hearth was pounding? Why? because he's handsome? Or he's an alpha? "I-im Nobita Nobi nice to meet you" I said and shook his hand. For the rest of the class he just stare at me that I feel like a hole was made on my face. It brothered me but that doesn't feel bad nor scared it just makes me nervous in a way that makes my heart beat fast and my stomach feel weird.

A strong wind blew inside the room which made my hair messy "ugh my hair got stuck on my glasses again"  I said and took them off. "You looked pretty" dekisugi blurted out. He must be making fun of me. "Please stop making fun of me" I said and he chuckled. he creased my hair and told me "I'm serious, you're really pretty" that one stupid sentence made my face hot and felt embarrassed. I was so invested about him that I forgot that it was already lunch time and suneo and takeshi was already in front of me with a grin on their faces. "Ohh a rice ball just in time I'm really hungry"

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