chapter 2 : reunited by fate

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Hello everyone it's me again 😃 I'm very sorry for having to update very late, 🙏 😞 I'm busy with my schoolworks and I can't seem to find inspiration to write this chapter, please vote if you found this story entertaining that's all for now!

Dekisugi's pov: It's been 6 years since I last saw Nobita. I have grown up and many things have changed, my lifestyles, status, and my physical appearance and many more. Nevertheless my feelings for him haven't change one bit and I'm still in love with him. I Miss you nobita.

Night time
"Mr dekisugi I'm sorry to inform you this, I think the car is broken, but I can fetch a taxi if you-" "no, my house is near around here, I might as well walk it there" as I got out of the car the cold breeze greeted me, it was refreshing and had a hint of rose fragrance mix together.  I'm not a fan of rose nor flowers but the faint scent is alluring in a way that I want to smell that fragrance more.

Before I knew it I was already lost in the streets trying to find that fragrance, I have been living here for the past 2 years but it's the first time seeing this unfamiliar place. As I walked throughout the streets, trying to find my way out, I found a flower shop that was opened. It wasn't extravagant enough to catch my attention, and it was just a simple small store with the rose fragrance surrounding it.

That was the fragrance I was looking for! I was hesitant to go in at first but then decided to go in anyway. "Ohh sorry but we're still not open" the staff said I looked up to see Nobita...

"Dekisugi!" He said, his face beam with happiness as he run towards me and hug me tightly and the rose fragrance grew stronger. "I've missed you so much" "me too Nobita, Me too." I don't know for how long but we embrace each other exchanging warmth as long as I remember. I felt so happy to meet him again, I want this feelings to last as if the world has stop for us.

After that we sat across each other and talked for the rest of the night.
"So how's auntie and Uncle?" I ask, his eyes widened and he looked down for a second but smiled bitterly and said "they both left. Mom's condition got worse and she died, after that dad was depressed and he commited suicide" "I'm sorry" "ohh it's alright" he replied I wanted to start a conversation with him but it seems that I took the wrong path.

"Ohh by the way is this your store?" "Yes, I opened up recently to support my self after saving up, btw how did you ended up here?" He ask "Well you see..." I explained to him how I got lost. I told him my address and to my surprised he was actually living near me this whole time. He told me that we could walked home together and I was over the moon. we chatted and chatted until we didn't realize the time passing by. "Ohh my it's already 1am in the morning?" Nobita said as he glanced at the clock "we're talking so much that we didn't even notice the time" It chuckled

I helped him closed the shop and we walked to my apartment together. Throughout the night I was smiling like a fool and was blushing so hard while staring at him. Even though he grew up, his shy personality stayed and he removed his glasses which enhanced his beautiful eyes even more. His hair was much more longer than before and he have this rose fragrance lingering around him which made my heart flutter with excitement everytime it reaches my nose, his body was so slim that you could see his small waist when he wore his apron at work.

he looked seductive and cute at the same time which captivated me even more. I wanted to kiss him and marked him to show to everyone that he is mine but I have to restrain myself since I might scare him. We already arrived at the entrance of my apartment. The time I spend with him felt so short,  I wanted to invite him to dinner but I don't want to disturb him as he might have work tomorrow but I don't know when an opportunity like this might come so...

"if you're not busy tomorrow maybe I could invite you to dinner, and catch up with you more?" I ask. For a second I was nervous that he would decline but he happily agree. We exchange numbers. He waved goodbye and I watched as his shadows were nowhere to be seen.

Tomorrow morning
I woke up very early to do my hair and pick the best but simple suit I have. At work I got a lot of compliments and some of them even though I have a date well maybe it could be considered a date hehehe. At the office I was still thinking about our meet up. I chose a fancy restaurants near a lake where we would walk there after eating and I will bought a flower from him to surprise him later.

I called shizuka my assistant to ask about what flowers should I buy since I don't know what he will like. After a long argument with her about what flowers I should buy for him. I finally ordered the one we think he would like and ordered one from him. As we talked about the flowers that I ordered from him, he ask who I was giving it to. "well I'm giving it to an important person who's very special to me" I texted and he replied with "ohh she must be a Lucky girl". "Yeah you really are a lucky guy" I told myself and chuckled

I told shizuka to get my flowers from his store, so that I could give it to him when we meet up later but Unfortunately shizuka got stuck in a traffic while I was on the way to the restaurant. It made me even more nervous because of it but excited that I could finally meet him again. At the restaurant, he was already there sitting alone in the tables which made me even more embarrassed, I didn't bring the flowers and I was late great.

I sat across him and smiled "sorry I'm late, there was a big traffic near the office" "it's alright" there seems to be something off about him. He seems upset about something. "Are you feeling unwell?" I ask concernly "of course not, why would you ask me that?" He said. *Bzz bzz*  my phone rang, It was shizuka. "Ahh please excuse me" I said and walked towards the near balcony "Mr. Dekisugi I'm outside the restaurant with the boutique of flowers, should I go in?" She asked "yes please bring it inside"

As I got back from the balcony I saw shizuka walking towards us with the boutique of flowers, as she stands besides me and was about to give me the flowers when Nobita suddenly got up from his seat excusing himself "I'm sorry dekisuki but I think I should go" he said and starts to walk away. "Nobita wait" I stopped him and grabbed his wrist, he looked back at me with a crying face. "Nobita!?"

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