21// Tridents rise up!

28 2 13

Hours after Bumble berry's death, the gang were still in shock as they try to process and figure out who could've done this. "Whoever done this must be dealt with..this is murder!" Rose tea yelled in frustration.

"We know! and maybe it is a good idea for you to not get involved, we all have enough on our minds already!" Crimson coral scolds the horny female.

"That's ok, I'm only here for Blue cheese, which I hope she doesn't mind~" Rose tea started to speak in a flirty tone as she looks over to the female mage. Blue cheese goes bright red like a tomato which ends up encouraging Rose tea to turn on high. "Why don't we get a little cozy and..warm~" She giggles. Blue cheese gets even more red to the point her nose began to bleed.

"Why don't we go and clean my nose?" Blue cheese replied nervously.

"Alright then cutie~" Rose tea carries Blue cheese into a room and locks the door.

"Let's pray and hope them two don't do it together.." The dragon rider sighs.

Abalone was busy cooking fish whilst whistling, the sea was calm today along with a cool breeze so it would take less time for the food to cool down than it usually does. Lord oyster barges into the room was a furious look on his face as he walks straight up to his captain. "Abalone.." The sailor called out his name.

The pirate glances over at the sailor as their name was heard. "What is it Lord oyster?" Abalone said before looking at the fish that was currently cooking.

"I want Royal margarine off this ship instantly! I don't trust him and he's going to cause chaos on here if we don't do something about it!" The sailor yelled out.

The pirate sighs then looks back at the sailor. "Listen to me Lord oyster...that dragon rider is more present than you are, we could use a new guy for the crew until they all get to their destination" Abalone spoke.

"You also must mean Crimson coral and those other two women.."

"Exactly and once we drop them off, we go back to hunting for legendary creatures from the sea!" The pirate exclaims.

"I see...I'll be in my room if you need me. Unless you're going to replace me with a wyvern rider.." Lord oyster mumbles.

"Not my fault that you always cause chaos on the ship.." Abalone rolls his eyes after. "Ya better get used to wyvern rider being here or I'll destroy your little contract with that gem mermaid.."

"You wouldn't dare destroy my contract made by the very one who gave me this pearl!" The sailor stated as he glares at the pirate furiously.

"Yea, I would and you can't stop me" Abalone replied.

The pirate soon left, leaving the sailor in his own thoughts. Lord oyster took out their pearl to look at it once more but was soon disturbed when the dragon rider opened the door. Lord oyster turned around and began to glare at Royal margarine.

"Have you seen Abalone?" Royal margarine asked nervously as he noticed the other's glare towards him.

"He just left this room.." Lord oyster stated.

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