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As a child Lucifer was innocent, he still is as well. Anyways shall we start from the beginning? Well yes we are starting from the beginning!

Lucifer was just a little angel just flying with his big brother Michael, he got his looks from him since that's how God created Lucifer to be, except Michael had blue cheeks and Lucifer had rosy cheeks. Then Lucifer made a little duck drawing as he went up to his father as God was creating Earth and even thinking of what to add for Earth's creation.

Lucifer then tugged onto God's suit then said, "dad..?" "Hm? Ah, yes Lucifer my boy, what's up?" God said as he smiled at his little angel boy. "Dad... I created this drawing of this... I was wondering if you could use this for Earth's creation..?" Lucifer asked as he showed his father his drawing as God was in awe. "Of course my boy! I will save this when the Earth is fully created, alright?" God said as he grabbed the drawing as he patted Lucifer's head, he then smiled happy that his father liked his idea.

On the other hand.... Sera was overhearing the two, and hated the fact Lucifer suggested a silly idea for Earth. She sighs annoyed by Lucifer's idea and is upset that God accepted such a silly idea, she knew she couldn't do anything about it due to God being way stronger than her as she flew off.


A few years later, God created a little sister named Lilith, Lucifer was happy to be a big brother to her, he would even hold her in his arms as he was happy to see her and he wanted to protect her.

~20 years later~

Lucifer was now older and his sister Lilith was now 20 years old, and they went to where God was creating the first human who was Adam. Lilith was staring at Adam who she found handsome, she then blushed at the thought of being with him. Lucifer noticed as he was proud to see his younger sister had fallen in love, but he then saddened at the fact that Adam can't be hers since God was planning to make a wife for him in the future.

"Lilith..?" Lucifer then looked at his sister. "He is just so fascinating..!" Lilith said as she smiled. "I'm happy that you are.... But sadly, father is planning on making a wife for him soon..." Lucifer said as he frowned. "I see.... I promise I won't try to date him...." Lilith said as she was saddened by the fact, Lucifer then hugged his little sister as he was comforting her.

"I'm sorry Lilith....." Lucifer said to her as he felt bad for her.


After, a couple of months later, Eve was already made from Adam's ribs and the two were happy with each other. Lilith on the other hand was watching the two from afar as she got jealous, then she saw the forbidden apple as she secretly took it and went to Eve, she was all alone as well, then Lilith handed Eve the apple and convinced her that it would give her whatever she needed. So Eve took a bite from the apple, but once she did.... Evil made its way to Earth...

God took notice of this, along with the other archangel angels, Lucifer saw Lilith who was beside Eve, with a bitten Apple. God was disappointed in Lilith for giving such a fruit to Eve.

"Lilith.... Why would you do this my child....?" God said as he was disappointed with her and was even saddened by this fact. Sera came along with them.

"Sir.... She brought evil here so she should be banished from heaven! This is absolutely unacceptable!" Sera then said as she told God.

"N-no...! I'm sure she did this by accident... Right Lilith....?" Lucifer said as he looked at his sister with a convincing smile, then he frowned as he saw that Lilith did this on purpose, he was worried because he didn't want to lose his sister.

Even though God didn't like the idea of having Lilith fallen, as he shed a tear, a portal was underneath Lilith as she fell straight down into hell. Lucifer then tried to reach out to her as tears fell down his face, Michael then held him as he looked away. Sera then flew away.

Lucifer was in tears as he flew off to find Sera, as he blamed her for this. Once he found her he then said, "Why would you suggest that to father?! I could have helped her!!" Sera then turned to him as she slapped him. "She deserves this fall Lucifer! She should have never told Adam's wife to eat that fruit!! That's her own fault, also don't act like you are above me! Despite you being older, you still act like a child! And we will not accept anymore of your silly ideas! Be glad that your father accepted that dumb idea of yours!" Sera then yelled at him.

"But... Father liked my idea....." Lucifer said as he was about to burst into tears.

"Just don't say anymore of those ridiculous ideas!" Sera demanded as she flew off angrily.

Lucifer then flew off to his home as he went on his bed and started to cry.

He hated this.... Of his sister's fall.... And how Sera treated him like he was too childish.....


Eons later, Lucifer has been watching the humans on Earth as he even asked his father if he could ever become a guardian angel of a human, but as God was worried about Lucifer getting hurt, he just told him not to worry only to keep his son safe. It wasn't until sometime in the 1920s, God finally decided to trust him. Lucifer then went up to his father.

"Father? Can I please be a guardian angel?" Lucifer then pleaded once again.

"I.. I don't know my boy..." God said as he was worried about him.

"Please father! I promise that I will be careful!" Lucifer said as he gave puppy dog eyes.

God couldn't say no to those eyes as he smiled then said, "Fine.... Just be careful of which human you want to protect.... Alright?"

"Yay! Thank you father!" Lucifer said as he was happy, he hugged his father then decided to fly down to Earth to go pick a human he wanted to protect. He then eventually found himself in New Orleans, Louisiana. He was interested in the place as he turned into his human form and decided to walk around the place as he went to find a human to protect.

He then walked around as he found a brown haired man at a bar, he was trying to ask someone who has black hair a question which the guy just told him something and told him to leave. The dark skin man left, Lucifer decided to follow him as he was interested in him. Then the dark skin man turned to see a smaller man with blonde hair, rosy cheeks, purple eyeshadow, and some kind of white grown with blue stripes on it.

"Well hello there! Might I ask.... Why were you following me?" The man asked as he was confused.

"Ah..! I'm sorry about that.... Uh.... I just wanted to meet you..!" Lucifer said as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Hm... Well ok then, my name is Alastor Hartfelt, a pleasure to be meeting you! Quite a pleasure! Now who might you be?" Alastor then asked as he smiled.

"My name is uh...." Lucifer was thinking if he should say his real name or not, so just as he was about to say a fake name he then said, "it's Lucifer!" Once he said that, he immediately covered his mouth in embarrassment.

"Lucifer huh? That's a strange yet unique name! Well it's nice to meet you!" Alastor said as he smiled. (Also since Lucifer didn't fall, so no one really knew of Lucifer as much.)

"It's nice to meet you too!" Lucifer said as he smiled, he found the human he wanted to protect. One thing he doesn't know is that it was a cannibalistic serial killer who he was protecting.....

Will things go well? Or not?

To be continued!!

Hopefully you enjoyed this new chapter for a new book! OML I NEED TO STOP! Anyways, enjoy it, haha! What do you think of it, let me know!

Eat up!

"A Guardian Angel" (Archangel Lucifer x Human Alastor) Radioapple au Story Where stories live. Discover now