☆Chapter 1☆

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It has been a few weeks since Lucifer met Alastor, he would usually follow Alastor everywhere to make sure he was safe, Alastor was a bit annoyed since he wasn't able to get a kill when around him so he would go home and night and said he was going to sleep just to get Lucifer to leave him alone so he could get some killing done. Lucifer was naive so he would believe Alastor when he said he was going to "sleep" as he went on his way.

Alastor was glad to escape him but he was wondering why a small man named Lucifer would be following him anyways... While wearing some strange gown as well....

So Alastor went out to the forest to find a victim as he saw a random man as he jumps him and stabs him to death before he laughs manically, afterwards he took the body back home to his shed as he cuts it up into pieces, then puts some away for later, he then gather a few to cook as he left his shed and locked it as he went inside his house to cook it.


The next day, Lucifer was in front of Alastor's door with a smile as he was going to protect him again, Alastor was just getting ready as he opened the door and saw Lucifer there.

"You know.... You don't have to wait for me here....-" Alastor said as he sighs. "But I wanna wait for you here! To make sure you are safe!" Lucifer said as he smiled, happy to help. "Uh huh.... How could someone like you be able to keep me safe? Sorry but I can take care of myself" Alastor said as he started walking out of the house while Lucifer tags along. "I promise! I can keep you safe! It is my duty!" Lucifer said, as he was confident. Alastor just rolled his eyes, he believed that he didn't need protection at all as he continues to walk to town, maybe in hopes of seeing his good friend Margaret if her husband doesn't try to force him to leave as always, he wasn't sure why her husband was like this either.

"So? Where are we going Alastor?" Lucifer then asked as he was still tagging along with him. "Hm.... To go see a good friend of mine, that is if her husband doesn't force me to leave" Alastor said as he went to the bar where Margaret and her husband were usually working at.

Lucifer was so fascinated by everything that he looked like a child seeing everything for the first time. Alastor then went into the bar as he noticed that Ricardo wasn't here, but he saw Margaret tending the bar instead as he went up to her.

"Hello my dear friend! How are you doing this fine morning?" Alastor said as he smiled brightly. Lucifer then looks around the place in awe, he was interested in this place. "I'm good.... Hm? Who is that boy besides you? He looks so adorable like an angel!" Margaret said, as she was in awe of Lucifer's presence. Lucifer then heard her as he panicked when he heard the word angel as he said, "m-me an angel..? N-no way..! I'm just a normal human!" He laughed nervously which Alastor found odd that he would laugh nervously and how he would reply to such a figurative line of speech. "Uh.... She meant it figuratively.... Not literally...." Alastor then said to Lucifer. Lucifer then flushed gold out of embarrassment. "Gah...! I didn't know....." Lucifer said, as he was embarrassed now.

"Anyways, what brings you here Al?" Margaret then asked Alastor as she kept looking around, making sure a certain someone wasn't around. "Are you ok Margaret? Is Ricardo treating you right..?" Alastor then asked Margaret in a concerned tone of voice as he was sounding like a father towards her. Margaret looks down for a moment before putting on a fake smile to convince herself that what Ricardo does was for "love".... Then she said, Yeah of course he is! Don't worry about it Al!" Lucifer then heard her as he didn't feel like she was telling the truth as he frowned before getting worried. "If you say so my dear...." Alastor said as he was unsure but he was trying to put his trust in her after all.

"Margaret..? Right?" Lucifer then decided to speak up. "Yeah?" Margaret said as she looked at Lucifer. "Well... If you are lying even to yourself.... That's not good.... Try to speak the truth.... Even God himself would be proud of you if you spoke the truth..." Lucifer said as he gave a soft and comforting smile. Margaret just looked at him before looking away, she didn't know how to respond to that, but as she spoke Ricardo walked in and walked up to them.

"Uh oh honey! What are you doing here?" Ricardo said in a sickly sweet tone as he was manipulating her as usual. (This was back when they were alive duh) "Just cleaning up..." Margaret then said as she answered him. "Meet me in our room sweetie!" Ricardo said as he was keeping up an act. Margaret nodded as she went to their room. Lucifer then gave Ricardo a look like he didn't trust him before he said, "You aren't hurting her, right?" Ricardo sighs before looking at Lucifer before he keeps on an act. ",of course not!" Ricardo said before he went to his and Margaret's room.

Alastor just stared at Ricardo, for some reason he doesn't trust his words as he went behind the bar and poured himself a whiskey as he drank it. Lucifer then stared at the whiskey as he was curious about the drink.

"What's that?" Lucifer asked curious as he pointed to the drink. "What are you a child? Cause you act so.... Childish...." Alastor said as he took a sip from his whiskey. "Hey! I do not!" Lucifer said as he crossed his arms as he pouts. Alastor chuckled as he rolled his eyes before saying, "Yes you do, you are acting like one now." Lucifer then rolled his eyes as he decided to grab the bottle and chug it all before Alastor noticed as he spat out his drink.

"Woah..! You shouldn't drink that all for someone of your height..!" Alastor said as he grabbed the bottle, then noticed it was already empty. Lucifer immediately fell on the ground as he crawled around, then looked up at the ceiling and started giggling like a child.

"Lucifer..! Are you serious already drunk?!" Alastor said as he noticed that Lucifer is acting even more like a child. "Weee!" Lucifer said as he stood up and hugged Alastor. "Hey! Woah! Don't you remember?! No touching me!!!" Alastor said as he was trying to push him off. But when he was trying to push him off, Lucifer held onto him more as he started to cry.

"N-no.... Don't leave me....." Lucifer said as he tears up remembering his sister's fall.

"Huh??" Alastor said as he was confused by this, he then sighed as he noticed that Lucifer was sad so he decided to let him hug him as he awkwardly patted his head not sure of what to do.

Ricardo then came back to the bar area and saw the two. "Well Margaret says goodbye so leave now, besides she is busy right now" Ricardo said as he ordered the two to leave, after he forced them out, he went back to his and Margaret's room.

Alastor just flipped off Ricardo as he walked back to the forest. Lucifer then felt better as they went to the forest and decided to do something silly as he was still drunk a bit.

"Watch me fly Alastor!" Lucifer said as he climbed a tree that went high. Alastor was getting annoyed as he thought he was babysitting at this point, so he rushed over to the tree to catch him. "Can you not get into dangerous situations here?!" Alastor said as he was annoyed with him by now.

"Here I come! Weee!" Lucifer said as he jumped but then he spread his wings as he flew in circles before feeling tired and falling into Alastor's arms as soon as he passed out.

Alastor was shocked after seeing Lucifer with wings, he had so many questions running through his head at this point so he didn't know what to do about this....

He then quickly went to his house as he lay down Lucifer on the couch, even covered him with a blanket.

Afterwards he just walked back and forth, he had questions... And he will ask them when Lucifer wakes back up....

To be continued!!

Here's the first chapter! Obviously no romantic scenes just yet, so I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter anyways!!

Eat up!

"A Guardian Angel" (Archangel Lucifer x Human Alastor) Radioapple au Story Where stories live. Discover now