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"Judicandus homo reus huic ergo parce, deus pie jesu domine dona eis requiem"

Latin for, "The guilty man should therefore be judged sparingly"


Latin for, "Tearful"

It was a still spring morning the next day. The sun's rays shining through Jayden's room. Iris was asleep still, heading over to go wake her, as this was the day he'd asked her to come to the cemetery. He chose this day specifically, because he had felt it to be special. Nothing particular was happening today other than that.

Or so he thought.

"Wake up, Momma. It's time to go." He said, shaking his mothers' arm.

She rubbed her eyes and rolled over, waking up slowly, "Alright, Jayden. Give me a few minutes to get dressed and we'll leave."

Jayden nodded, "Okay, Momma. I'll get the car ready." making his way to the car, sitting in the passenger seat and starting it, Iris following him a few minutes later and getting into the drivers seat.

They drove for about a half an hour before arriving at the cemetery, the nuns were already waiting for them, which they found odd. Standing at the cemetery's gate, one of the Nuns held an object covered by a white blanket.

"What is this?" Iris asked, referring to the object they were holding.

"Him." The Nun said, "he is coming."

Jayden and Iris looked at each other confused.

"We had a vision last night. A vision of a series of events- eclipses." The nuns looked at each other.

Iris glanced at Jayden before looking back at the Nun holding the urn, "Jayden has been telling me that the communications between him and Jeff have been getting stronger-"

"Yes, Iris." The Nun interjected excitedly, "our prediction is that these messages are the next steps to the prophecy fulfilling itself. It is underway."

Jayden and Iris looked at each other again, now teary-eyed, unable to process what they were hearing.

"You must come with us. We believe he wants to speak with you. Strange things have been happening all night."

"W-wait, so you guys are all so invested in this... Why?" Iris seemed very confused

"We never ignore spiritual messages and prophecies. We relish in them, as they are what we believe." The Nuns held each others hands. "please, come with us."

Jayden and Iris were escorted through the cemetery to the Mausoleum where the urn full of Jeffrey's ashes usually resided, two of the Nuns walking over to them both and placing their hands together.

"You Hold him." The Abbey said as she placed Jeffrey's ashes into Iris' and Jayden's hands, holding it close.

In a cliché sort of moment, the clouds parted. The sun rays heating them almost directly, the sky then becoming dark.

Iris teared up as she felt weight on her shoulders, the weight of Jeffrey's hands.

"J-Jeffrey... Oh, you were right, Jayden... I c-can feel him." She cried.

The Nuns smiled at her as the sky became lighter again. The Abbey nodding and taking a deep breath, "It is true, you see? The universe is going to return him to you."

Jayden's eyes widened, "h-how?"

"Tonight we will do a ritual. What is known as a reverse Baptism." The Abbey said as she rested her hands on the urn, "you shall stay until nightfall."

"Until then,  Lacrimosa, Iris. Tearful."

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