Good day turned bad...

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The floral shop was bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun, casting a golden hue over the colourful array of flowers that adorned the shelves. Avery, at five years old, stood on tiptoe, reaching out for a delicate pink rose, her tiny fingers barely able to grasp it.

Her grandmother, Carmen, bustled around the shop, tidying up and preparing to close for the day. She glanced over at Avery with a smile, watching her granddaughter's earnest attempts to arrange a bouquet.

"Need a hand there, amor?" Carmen called out, her voice filled with affection as she approached Avery.

Avery looked up, her face lighting up with excitement. "Yes, please, Avia," she replied, "I want to make a special bouquet for Mama."

Carmen chuckled softly, kneeling down beside Avery. Together, they selected an assortment of flowers, their fragrances mingling in the air as they worked side by side. Avery's brow furrowed in concentration, her small hands carefully arranging each bloom under Carmen's gentle guidance.

As they finished the bouquet, Avery's eyes sparkled with pride. "Can we take it to Mama now, Avia?" she asked eagerly, clutching the bouquet to her chest.

Carmen's smile faltered slightly as she gently explained, "Not just yet, amor. Mama has a meeting, but we can go visit your avi instead."

Avery's bottom lip trembled, disappointment flickering across her face. But Carmen quickly added, "Would you like that, mija? To visit your avi?"

Avery's expression brightened once again, her smile spreading from ear to ear. "Yes, please!" she exclaimed, her excitement reignited.

With a laugh, Carmen rose to her feet, the corners of her eyes crinkling with affection. "Alright then, let's go," she said, gesturing towards the door.

Avery nearly bounded out of the shop, her tiny feet pitter-pattering on the floor as she raced towards the car. But just as she reached the doorway, she skidded to a stop, remembering the bouquet on the table. With a giggle, she darted back to grab them, then turned to Carmen with a mischievous grin.

"Come on, Avia!" she called out, her laughter echoing through the shop as they headed towards the car, the vibrant bouquet held tightly in Avery's hands.

As Avery and her Avia arrived at the gym, the bustling sounds of basketball echoed through the corridors. Avery's eyes widened with excitement as she recognized the familiar setting where her avi, Javier, coached the Spanish Women's National Team.

Without waiting for her avia, Avery dashed into the gym, her tiny feet carrying her towards the court where the players were practicing. The sight of the skilled athletes left her in awe, her gaze darting from one player to another.

Suddenly, a voice called out her name, and Avery turned to see one of the players waving at her. With a delighted giggle, she waved back, feeling a surge of joy at the attention.

"Are you here to take our place?" the player teased with a smile, prompting Avery to shake her head with a giggle. "No, I'm too small!"

But then, Avery spotted her beloved Avi at the sidelines. With a burst of excitement, she dashed towards him, her heart pounding with anticipation.

"Avi!" she shouted, her voice echoing in the gym. Javier turned around, a smile spreading across his face as he bent down, arms open wide to receive his precious granddaughter.

"Princesa," Javier called out, his voice filled with warmth and affection.

As Javier held Avery in his arms, he turned towards the team with a playful grin. "Right now, we've got the big boss here. I expect you to work even harder," he announced, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes.

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