The Unforgettable Party

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Somehow after the crowning, Levi decided to host a party for certain people only. Not sure what that means but one of the guards told me. 

"Princess Layla." I heard my name and a really familiar voice. I turned around to see none other than my big brother.

"King Levi." I said, giving him the most 'death stare' you can say. 

"That's more like it, but I'm so use to you calling me Levi." He said. 

"I'm still gonna call you Levi."  I said. 

"Big brother Levi." He tried to protest. I chuckled, but I let it go since it was his party.

"I picked out another dress for you." He said, not again, this light blue dress was getting tight, and uncomfortable after a few hours. It was already night, I'm surprised no one had fallen asleep yet. 

"What about the party?" I said, he wasn't being a mannered person since he's not in the party yet. 

"What about it?" He said. 

"You got to go, don't  wait for me." I smiled. 

"I'm just letting you know, gosh." He raised both of his hands, like he was getting arrested. He left, I could see his goofy smile as he left. He really likes to annoy me that much.

I decided to see what dress he put, and it was a pink dress, it looked really pretty yes it was. 

I came downstairs, where the party was there. I could feel everyone looking at me, it's just a pretty pink dress, why was everyone looking at me? 

As soon as I was done walking down the stairs, someone came up to me, thankfully it was just the 'chef' who passed out drinks and little stuff to the people. 

He gave me this tall wine looking glass, but not with wine, I took it since it looked fancy holding a fancy wine glass.

I looked over to see if there's anyone I could talk to, till I saw Veronica talk to some more fancy people, and saw that they laughed together. I went up to her while the people who looked fancy were talking to each other. 

"You like that drink?" I told her, wondering to see what her reaction was, I didn't take a sip yet but wanna know. 

"Yea, this drink is amazing actually." She gave me a sweet smile. 

"Yea this drink is actually amazing." I lied, but took a sip and she was right, this drink was amazing.

"You just tried it didn't you?" She said, giving me a confused look, I think, I do not get her emotions.

"Nope." I said trying to smile so she won't think I'm crazy, but I'm. 

Out of nowhere, there were these people that was wearing black clothes, I could barley see their faces, but they were attacking everything in the castle. 

I could see guards coming down and all over the place trying to stop them. I was thinking one of person they might be looking for, no not just me, but Levi. 

I went to go look for him, I heard screaming, and so many people running, half where there I saw Levi, he was hurt yes, but I grabbed the sword on the bottom to stop them. But once they saw me, they left. I saw there eyes, one of them was really light blue, it looked so dreamy but he left like a fox. I knew it was a man. 

I carried Levi outside, his arm was bleeding, somehow Veronica saw me and had bandages.

"What are you doing here?" I told her. 

"Saving him." She told me, she looked pissed. 

"Here take it and wrap it around him." She said while grabbing my sword to wear we just went. I tried not to think about it, that girl was so confusing. I wrapped the bandage around Levi, it was in his left arm. I kept wrapping it not thinking straight.

"You ok?" I told him. Looking at him in the eye. He did look away after the blood he lost.

"Yes." He said honestly. I'm glad he was ok but this was the most scariest event that ever happened. 

Levi got up and we both went to go help Veronica, but to find out that all the guys left, leaving the place a mess. 

I looked around to see if everyone was alright, which they were, none of them were hurt or anything, some of the guards were injured, but none of them were dead. Observing, Levi got hurt the most.  It clicked me, they were aiming for Levi. 

"Veronica?" Levi said, while grabbing his left arm where the bandage was. He looked at her with his hazel eyes. 

"I caught this guy." She said while turning around. He was tied from his hands and legs. He couldn't even look at both of us. 

"He tried to escape but I got him, so, what are you gonna do King Levi?" She said. Levi just looked at him, he looked angry and sad inside. 

He thought about it more a moment, he couldn't give a answer. He took just a small step back and finally the words came out. 

"Put him to jail." 

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