Chapter 17: My Vash

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One bed.

There is one single bed. And four pillows. All freshly made up with clean bedding that Agatha had given us. Even from here, I can smell the fabric soap she had used to wash it, and it smells like the artificial lavender I have breathed in many times. Sharp and bitter, yet oddly sweet and refreshing. It sends a wave of happiness skittering through me.

And yet, even with that little jolt, I still can't help but feel the weight of awkwardness as it fills the room, dangling itself over me. It is thick, like dense smoke that can't be cut through, not even with a sharp steak knife. And it is heavy, pressing itself down on my chest like a bag of rocks. It wants to labor my breathing, but somehow, I keep control.

But why does it all feel awkward?

Slowly, my gaze drifts to the corners of my eyes, observing Vash. He stands at my side, his concentration fully fixated on the bed and his expression indecipherable. I can't even deduce what emotions are twisting his features. He doesn't look upset. Not in the sense of being angry or depressed, anyway. But he also doesn't look thrilled.

Now that I look at him, if I were to put a name to his expression, I'd say he appears...dazed or lost. Maybe even stunned. Maybe that's it. Maybe he's in some state of shock. But why?

Concerned, I ask, "Vash? Are you okay?"

I reach out, resting a hand on his shoulder, pulling him from whatever train of thought he's riding on. He turns quickly, bringing his gaze to mine. At first, he looks confused, but blinks it away, clearing his throat.

"Huh? Sorry. I was...I was just thinking is all," he says, shaking his head.

"That's okay." I knit my brows, noting the soft flush of his cheeks and the way his eyes are avoiding mine. "Are you alright? You"

I think back to earlier. To the scuffle he and Nicholas almost had. I had never seen him like that. So worked up and ready to... To what? Fight? For a moment I had thought Meryl and I were about to witness a full-on brawl between the two men. And sure, Nicholas is a pain in the ass and an irritating jerk, but in all my time with the Stampede, I have never once seen Vash shift like that. From amused and snickering to glowering and ready to swing.

I had never seen Vash in a light like that and for a moment, it did something to me. But even more so, it's done something to him.

He hasn't been the same since that encounter. He's been quiet and only speaks when spoken to, almost like a child lost in thought. And to be honest, I wish I could pop open his head and look into it. To scoop up those little thoughts and hold them in my hand for a moment. Just to understand what he must be thinking and feeling.

He turns, looking at me, nodding, "Hmm? Oh, yeah. I'm fine." He shifts his weight, scratching the back of his neck. "Listen, I think you should have the bed. It's only right. I can sleep on the floor or out on the couch. Either is fine with me."

This strikes me. "Wait, what? What are you going on about? What do you mean you'll sleep on the floor?" I am so confused and blindsided by this. What is he getting at? Why would he even suggest this? "Vash, where is this coming from?"

His eyes, deep and blue in this room's artificial glow, meet mine. I can't read him. Not like how I usually can. It's as if there is this strange border surrounding him, but just as I observe that, it slowly starts to crumble. His expression softens and he wrinkles his brows.

"I thought you would want that."

I am flabbergasted. My mouth pops open and my voice becomes tight. "You what? You thought I wanted that? You thought I wanted a whole king-sized mattress to myself? What would make you think that?"

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