Chapter 11

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In only two years after attaining the power of a nova, Jekuthiel stood on the vast red sandy plains of layer four, Romtara. With the mountains jutting out of the crimson ground like a monster's toothy grin, he couldn't help but see the similarities with Voltara. The blazing color of the sky made a warm orange glow flow through every inch of the land. Gavriel looks around, examining the sandy, cracked ground and deep, dark pits common in the broken terrain. "I think I feel at home already, Chief."

Jekuthiel gave him a slight nod. "These few weeks have been smooth. I couldn't have predicted that setting up Roc camps would have been this easy. It seems our only true opposition really is King Erez."

"I don't think anyone can oppose you, Chief." Gavriel adjusted the warhammer draped over his shoulder.

Suddenly, a symbol in the shape of an eye made of fire appears in front of Jekuthiel, glowing brightly and making a hiss as it fizzles out into smoke quickly. Jekuthiel looks at the sky intently. "That scale reaver I sent up, it's dead."

"Do you think it actually made it to sanctum?" He follows Jekuthiel's gaze up.

"Are you questioning my research?" Jekuthiel's eyes fall down on Gavriel with the weight of a blacksmith's hammer, pounding metal into the correct shape.

Gavriel stiffens and straightens, quickly losing his casual stance. "Of course not, my chief. It's just so far outside my realm, sir. I couldn't even fathom it!"

Jekuthiel made a scoff of disgust, looking away from his subordinate and toward the makeshift Roc tribe camp they had erected. Ziva was in the camp shouting orders to lessers. Feeling his fiery gaze, she turned to meet his eyes. Jekuthiel strolls into the center of camp to meet her, with Gavriel walking behind him. He speaks sternly. "Ziva, gather all available kindlers. We're going to divide as far as we can and search for any reborns that may show up."

Ziva didn't question his words for even a moment as she shouted out new orders around the camp. Thrill coated every yell with a bloodlust that never seemed to leave her. If someone perished in the attack on Sanctum, Jekuthiel would find out and plan accordingly. Flaming wings sprout from the nova's back, and he lifts into the air with ease. His words washed over his tribe with commanding anger, as they always did. "Find them."


The world around Simon was a bright blur as he blinked repeatedly; his throat felt dry, and his eyes were heavy. A scaled hand with thick claws gripped the sand in front of him as he reached forward to lift himself off the ground. It was his own hand; his vision cleared and traced from the tips of his fingers up to his shoulder. His arms were completely covered in draconic scales, just like the ones on the powerful sethra beast he had killed. His body felt so much heavier than before. He continued examining his reborn body; his chest, belly, and face seemed as human as ever, except for the curled, long horns sticking out of his head just above his ears. Finally, he stood up, a thud on the sand to his back calling his attention to a new scaled tale hanging behind him, so long that it rested partly on the ground. Black scales ran from the top of his legs right down to his draconic feet. Simon let out a shaken breath. His body felt so much larger, but he also had more physical strength than he had ever had before. His mind started to calm down as he remembered what happened fully. Zev's terrified expression burned into his head. He needed to secure himself and traverse to layer three as soon as possible, dragon-like body or not. He tests his new body, lifting his tail into the air and waving it slowly. That was quite the odd feeling; just as odd was the hanging feeling tugging behind his shoulder blades. Simon's dragon wings slowly opened and spread behind him. At this point, all Simon could do was laugh at the revelation before talking to himself in a hushed tone. "What kind of monster am I?"

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