Chapter 6

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Ritz please I can explain Lorena said going after Ritz.
How could you do this to me we've been together for 4 years and this is how you repay me KidRitz said bursting into tears.
I'm sorry baby I only did it cuz I have to help my dad to pay his debt Lorena said.
What are you saying Ritz? Lorena asked bursting into tears.
I'm say that you and me we're done it's over Ritz said.
No please Ritz don't leave me I love you give me a chance Lorena begged.
You should've thought of that before having sex with older guys for money Ritz said.h
I'm sorry I don't know what came over me Lorena said.
Well now I know your dirty little secret I don't ever want to see you again I want you out of my life Ritz said walking straight to class before the bell rings.

After school
Ritz was walking straight to his house listening to music on his phone.

I hate this so fucking much Ritz said bumping into someone.
Watch where you going jackass Veneer said pushing Ritz on the ground and left.
Ritz got up pulled Veneer's hair.
What the hell asshole Veneer said letting himself go and left to his house.
I got a feeling Veneer with this attitude it's really hot when he's angry Ritz thought as he headed straight to his house.
I think Veneer will be the one for me he's so  fucking hot when he's mad Ritz said looking at Veneer.
Oo someone's in love Orchid said giggling.
Oh shut up Orchid Ritz said blushing deeply red.
What it's true you're falling in love with Veneer Orchid said giggling.
Omg you're embarrassing me Ritz said blushing deeply red.
I'm falling in love with a drug addict Ritz said grabbing the console and playing his game.

Finally I'm back home Ritz said shutting the door and sat on the couch to watching his favorite songs.
This actually tastes so good Ritz said still eating his phone.

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