SOLSTICE (...again.)

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Checking Niko's inventory, Player could see they still had the clover-covered journal. Good, they could do Solstice again if need be. As they had done many NG+ runs prior to Solstice, Player was almost subconsciously able to guide Niko through the steps to unlock the computer.

". . ."

Player clicked "OK"

"You found me."



Odd, why wasn't the World Machine acknowledging what just happened?

"You're already too late. Not much of the world remains

"This will be apparent when you go outside."

"This place was never worth saving."

"...Do you still want to try?"

Not a word about the repeat.

"Then, remember this:"

"Your actions here will affect Niko."

"Your "mission" is to help Niko leave."

Player started to skip through the messages, sensing that nothing was wrong.

And that was bad. If this was some sort of secret bonus level, the diologue would have changed.

"No. This does not feel right at all."

Wait a minute.

"Have we... already been through this, Player?"

Wait a minute.

"But that should be impossible..."

"You only had one shot. I wasn't supposed to exist after that..."

"[Niko hears the sound of a door unlocking]"

Seriously? It was just the normal diologue. Nothing had changed. Player led Niko through the house, barely paying attention, simply, deciding to get Niko through Solstice again. Once they left the house, they had met with Prophetbot.


Prophetbot ran over to Niko.

"[That Lightbulb...! You Are Here!]"

"Yes, that's what you said last time." Niko replied, their face showing up next to the text on the bottom of the screen."


"[Welcome To Our World. Wait, What Do You Mean, Last Time?]"

"Last time we met, when it was supposed to be the final reset."

"[I Am Afraid I Do Not Know What You Mean.]"

"Ok," Player muttered to himself, knowing that Niko couldn't hear. "Prophetbot doesn't remember, but Niko does."

And then the realization hit him.

"Niko remembers. Like, proper remembers. No vague details, they remember what just happened."

"[Anyway, Welcome To Our World, Friend!]"

Player mentally noted that the Prophet HAD deviated from the original diologue when given an unexpected question by Niko.

"[I Am Most Humbled By Your Presence. Yes!]"

"I don't need an explanation" Niko unexpectedly said. "I know what the sun is, who Player is, what I have to do."

"[Oh? But, How?]"

"Because we've already done this." Niko had said, likely trying to jog the Prophet's memory.

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