The hawks

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Me and Elisa were working up on the ice for our game against District 5. They had gotten a new coach like usual but everyone knew that he would Probably quit any day now.

When the game finally started Elisa won the puck of course, sending it back to me. I dribbled trough their players one after one since they weren't the best. I got to the goalie and faked a shot passing it back to Adam who quickly shot the puck into the net making us all cheer. Even tho we knew we would win we still cheered when we made a goal. The game was pretty boring since we just made goal after goal after goal. At the end of the game we had won 20-0 I had made 9 goals, Elisa 5 and Adam 6.

"Good game y'all" Coach Reilly told us "New hawks record Jackson!" He looked at me and smiled, that didn't happen very often but when it did I got pretty happy.

When me and Elisa went home we talked about school and about the game. When we parted ways Elisa went home but I usually went to the frozen pond that was pretty far away from my house. I often practiced there on the weekends to get in some extra practice so that I could get better at hockey.

Everything was going great in my life, the hawks were better then usual, I got to hang out with Elisa and Banks all the time, I'm getting better at hockey and the best thing, we are gonna go on winter break soon.

When I got to a game we had again the eagles I saw banks and his dad talking to some guy with a folder and a dude who looked like he just came from the White House. When they were done talking banks skated over to me and Elisa. He told us that he was going to have to play for district 5 or the ducks as they are called now.

"I cant believe this! You are a hawk not a duck banks! You can't just leave us like this u have to make him reconsider!" Elisa practically screamed at Adam as I just nodded in agreement.

"I still get to play this game, it's probably going to be the last game on the hawks." Adam said with a sad expression. I could see that he really wanted to play hockey and would do anything to be able to play for the hawks but obliviously he couldn't do anything since he was just a 15 year old kid.

We made the game the best for Adam as we could giving him many shots of shooting the puck into the net. We ended up winning with 15-1 with Adam making 8, me 4 and Elisa 3. We still couldn't believe that Adam had to leave us to play for some stupid ducklings.

The next morning I went to Elisa to hang out for a bit before school since we lived very close to each other. When we later arrived at school we saw McGrill and Larson bullying Adam which I didn't approve of, I mean he just got switched to the ducks so how could they already bully him. We walked up to them and I grabbed McGrill by the collar while Elisa did the same to larson. We are a lot stronger than them even tho we are pretty short.

"YOU GOT THAT?" He nodded as an answer and ran away as fast as he could with Larson when we let them go. Me and Elisa high fived and spoke to Adam who apparently never "belonged" in the hawks. I mean he didn't have a choice, he had to switch to the ducks.

School was terrible like always but the good thing was that I had practice after with Elisa, but it wouldn't be the same without Adam of course.

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