alone - chris

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I started writing this on a random piece of paper in science today so if its not the best im sorry

tw - panic attack

(Chris' pov)

He hates me.

I can tell.

I walk out of my room to go apologise to Matt. I make my way up the stairs to his room, sort of dragging my feet. I knock on his door thrice, no answer. I try again as I knock once more, no answer.

"Matt? Matt please answer, I'm sorry!" I exclaim, sounding a bit desperate, no answer.

I start to get impatient as I already apologised, yet he still isn't forgiving me. I sink to the floor outside his door, back against the wall.

he hates me.

(Matt's pov)

I just can't with Chris right now. I grab my phone off the counter along with my keys and a hoodie. He can piss off for all I care. I walk out the unlocked door to the garage, getting in the car and driving away, needing to clear my head but all the thoughts are racing back.

did I say the best thing for the situation?

could I have handled that better?

does Chris hate me?

do I hate him?


"MATT I SWEAR TO GOD, WHY CANT WE? WE NEVER DO ANYTHING TOGETHER ANYMORE" Chris stares at me, I stare at him back, hatred in both of our eyes.

"CHRIS HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY THIS? IM WATCHING THE MOVIE WITH NICK AND WE HAVE 2 TICKETS, IM NOT GOING WITH YOU. PLUS YOU'RE WAY MORE ANNOYING" He steps back as if he's adjusting to my words. Almost as abruptly as the confusion arrived on his face it leaves, being replaced by that same judgemental look of hate.

"Fine Mr 'I cant help my anxiety and you make it worse so I'll just leave you home and go with the other triplet because he's better than you'." Chris says, walking down the stairs to his room, slamming the door behind him, leaving me standing there, eyes wide.


That's how he really feels, he must hate me.

* * *

I can't hold back any longer as I let out the long awaited sobs, turning the wheel to pull into the nearest parking lot. I fiddle with the hoodie strings as people walk past, staring at my car. Okay well they're not staring, but it feels like it. My phone buzzes... and buzzes... and again. I ignore it. Until it rings, when I hear the specific ring tone (IDK I JS KNOW U CAN DO THAT) was Chris. Buzz after buzz after buzz, breath after breath after breath, nothing changed, I didn't pick it up and it didn't stop. That was until the ringtone changed, Nick. But Nick was at Alahna's. Why would he need me? Unless it was about... CHRIS

I quickly pick up my phone, holding it up to my ear.

N- "Matt where are you? Why aren't you home?"
M- "It's a long story but I'm in the taco bell parking lot near-"
N- "Summarise"
M- "Me and Chris got in a fight about watching that movie and we shouted and stuff then he went to his room and I left"
N- "Well you need to go home. Chris needs someone, Chris needs you... bad."

And with that, I start driving, hanging up the phone.

(Chris' pov)

Perfect. Home alone and having a full on panic attack; I can't see anything around me due to the tears mixed with dizziness and I'm shaking like crazy. I called Nick as Matt wasn't picking up even after the millionth voice mail and he said he'd try call Matt - I don't know what it is but Matt always just helps calm me and Nick calm down faster than anyone. After what feels like an eternity of me struggling to breathe, someone bursts through the door, causing immediate extra light which my head did NOT like at that moment in time. I squint to see who it is as I feel someone grab my hand. Whoever it is obviously realised the light was too much and covered my eyes while raising my hand to their chest.

"-ris, cmon bro you can do this. Breath Chrissy" Realisation hit me, it was Matt.

I follow his breathing, slowly gaining control over myself again. He removes his hand cautiously as I look up at his worried face and flash a small 'thank you smile' to which he nods back. We talk for a bit before deciding to watch a movie.

I love my brothers

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