Death Zappers: The love potion is actually working

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Hello, Jeremiah McDermott here again with another Valentines Day horror story. This story is about a love potion and as a bonus, this story is based on an object. The object is not moving, not talking, not doing anything. So, in this story, the villains are our main character himself. Adam Atome.

This is not a squeal to "My love fairy is real". That's a completely different story.

Fun fact, love potions are indeed real. They are illegal to use. I looked it up and they are indeed illegal.

One of the characters in this story is based on a girl I so happened to bump into during elementary school. Her name is Mazzy McMullen. During first and second grade, there would be times I was playing on swings going back and fourth, up and down, then out of nowhere Mazzy would show up asking me to get off of the swings so she can swing next to her friend. I did what she said. Heck, one time, I hear her whisper this. "He's so easy to get past", whisper Mazzy. When I told my mom about the Mazzy's story, she was mad. "Well, Mazzy doesn't own the swings", said Jeremiah's mom with a pissed-off tone of voice. And I said, "I was trying to do the nice thing", said Jeremiah with a pissed-off tone of voice. Our huge fight ended there. There was no more talking about Mazzy that night.

Another story related to Mazzy. In the sixth grade, my mom was a volunteer for Mrs. McMullen's class and they went on this field trip to the date festival and this little kid peed on her. No joke. That little kid peed his pants next to my mom. Me and my dad thought it was funny.

Enough of me stalling.

The front and back cover was designed by Freepik.

Death Zappers. This is the third book in the Death Zappers series.

The love potion is actually working

The day we found that stupid love potion my life changed forever. My twin brother warned me so many times that I shouldn't be messing with it. I ignored his warnings. I thought it would be awesome to play with a love potion and pretend to be cupid. Boy, I was wrong. Let's just say in the end of this story, I wished I never found that stupid love potion. Now here's a story that is going to get nuts. Nuts with a capital N.

Me and my twin brother, Henry were walking down the basement stairs, we were looking for stuff to sell at our school's junk sale. The junk sale is in March but my twin brother loves to plan ahead and that always drives me nuts.

Today is Valentines Day. February fourteen. Today is Friday. The time is seven-forty five . Fifteen minutes before our dad has to drive us to school. Vetla elementary school's doors open at eight o' clock and the class bell rings at eight-fifty five.

After me and Henry were done walking down the stairs, he said this. "Now, remember, Adam, we gotta be quick about this, the basement always gives me the creeps, you look in the gray box while I look in the brown box", ordered Henry. "Whatever, you say "Pussy Hen", said Adam with a laughing tone of voice. "I'm serious", shouted Henry.

I will always call Henry, Pussy hen whenever I get a golden opportunity. The reason why I call him Pussy Hen is because Henry is a pussy and a nickname for Henry is hen and his first diaper he wore had hens on it and the first diaper I wore had jets on it.

Hi, I'm Adam Atome and in the basement with me is my pussy twin brother, Henry Atome. Let me tell you what I looked like. I have black hair. I'm Indian. I have dark green eyes. I have a seven-point-four inch nose. I'm wearing a light blue shirt. The shirt has no pockets on it. The shirt has a design on it. The design is a cartoon looking motorcycle. I'm wearing a black denim jacket. The denim jacket is completely unbuttoned. The color of the buttons are gray. I'm wearing dark gray pants. I'm wearing white socks. I'm wearing black shoes. The black shoes have white shoelaces. I'm eleven years old. Henry is also eleven. We live in Oklahoma.

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