Chapter 14

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~~Harumi's POV~~
Kai and the others had taken Lloyd to his room, I stayed behind. I don't know why, I just did. I couldn't see him like this, always in pain and scared.

I mean at one point in my life I wanted him dead....but now...I NEED him alive. If he isn't then maybe I might....never mind.

I was walking around the monastery contemplating why I couldn't keep him safe. Maybe if I didn't leave, then maybe he might not have ended up like this. No question about it....this is MY fault.

I was making my way down the corridor to fixated on my thoughts. I run smack into someone, I look up and I see....

"Garmadon?!" I yell fixing my position.

"...Harumi?" Garmadon says with a raised eyebrow.

Garmadon looks just as intimidating as he did 10 or so years ago. His steely glare, tight upright position. Brought me back to the months and days I was his second in command.

Not good days, if I'm being honest. Before I could answer Garmadon, behind him I see a figure slide into a room just to the right of the hall.

"Harumi!" Garmadon yells.

Out of a very bad habit, I get into a soldier position...hands behind my back, in a solid upright posture. My heart pounding in my throat, my hands shaking, and my eyes stinging with tears.

"Yes! Emperor!" I yell still in the soldier position.

What the hell did I just say?! What is wrong with me...why in all of Ninjago would I say Emperor. Garmadon looked at me, brows furrowed. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought that we were ruling Ninjago again.

Something I never want to go back too. I caught my breath and finally stood my ground.

"Why are you sneaking around?" I asked standing normally.

"I stopped telling you my business the day you supposedly died" Garmadon said coldly.

After that Garmadon turned and walked away. What was his problem? And why did he have to bring up my death? Didn't his father ever teach him manners?

Anyways back to the task at hand...I started to head in the direction of the figure I saw while talking to Garmadon. I tried my best to remember which door this person went in.

Then when I thought I had the right door I peeked inside. The person I saw inside was................Jay?

I walked inside, curious to what Jay was doing.

"Jay?...what are you doing?" I asked

I must startled him...cause when I started talking he jumped out of his skin. What was his deal? What is with people today...

"Ahh...omg Harumi, why do you sneak up on people like that" Jay said with a hand to his chest.

"Oh..sorry, I thought you were someone else..." I said trailing off.

"Oh okay then....what do you need?" Jay asked with a hand on his hip.

"Well...never mind" I said turning around and leaving.

~~Jay's POV~~
I walked into the library...trying to find something. I was searching the shelves when I heard yelling coming from the hall. I peeked through the door and saw Garmadon and I think Harumi.

I didn't pay any mind to it since I was busy trying to find something. I was looking for a specific scroll, I kind of remember what the title was, all I know is that I'm searching for something about a blood moon and some sort of ritual.

I was moving scrolls around on the shelves, glancing at titles, when I got to a certain scroll that had inscriptions that I have never seen before.

I knew it wasn't in the old language, and I couldn't let the others know about this. Then I heard someone behind me.

"Jay?" Someone asked

"AHHH" I yelled as I jumped around.

"What the hell" I said holding my hand over my heart.

"Oh sorry Jay....I thought you were someone else" Harumi said looking from the shelf to me.

"So is there anything you need or.." I asked

"Oh no...umm never mind actually" Harumi said quickly then turned and left.

"Oh my FSM...I almost got caught" I whispered under my breath.

I looked at the red tinted scroll in my hand, then to the door. I need to get this out of here, and before anyone knows.

I didn't realize how long it took me to find the scroll but it must have taken hours since it was already 10pm.

I opened the door and looked both ways to make sure no one was coming. True everyone should be asleep, but...that's usually never the case...most of the time....I think.

I was making my way through the hall, making sure not to wake anyone. When I turned the corner I saw Lloyd walking towards me.

'Oh my FSM' I thought to myself, 'what am I going to do?!'.

Then Lloyd finally turned the corner. "Jay? What are you doing?" Lloyd asked rubbing his eyes.

Lloyd looked half asleep, so maybe I can play it off as if he is dreaming.

"Oh..Hey Lloyd...LORD RAS IS OUTSIDE!" I whisper shouted.

Lloyd looked towards his room then to the window. When he went to look back at me I was gone.

I let out a sigh of relief, just glad I was able to get out without getting caught. I made it to the courtyard and finally started making my way towards the Wyldness.

If I was going to get this to my masters second in command I needed to hurry.

*To be Continued*


Hello ma peeps....gosh this took me idk how long...also I'm very sorry for not updating for a while, my Wattpad was giving so many issues. Also I'm srry it's a shorter than normal chapter. I wanted to leave yall off on a cliffhanger and I wanted to get this out to you asap.

I hope you enjoyed this little chapter..please let me know whatchya think!!

-Eden 🫶🏻🫶🏻

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