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" you dyed your hair, " hakkai commented, staring at the ravenette beside him. they were hanging out at the park, not too far away from the grocery store. takemichi smiled sheepishly at his observation, " yeah, blonde hair looked silly on me. thought I looked cool. "

he chuckled, memories flooding back of his middle school days.

" you were cute either way. " hakkai paused for a moment, realizing what had just come out of his mouth. his ears flushed a pink tint, " I-I didn't mean it that way. . " he stammered, a nervous grin on his lips.

the black haired only stared back at him before letting out a chuckle. relief filled hakkai's chest, as he laughed along with the male. " thank you, I thought you were cool looking back then! too bad, we didn't talk as much. " takemichi mentioned, his tone enthusiastic. " really―

" pardon me! " hakkai grunted, as he felt overcoming pressure as the two other males sat on the bench. causing him to scoot over, he shot them a glare. the peach haired ignored him, his smile never fading. " it's been awhile yeah takemichi? " nahoya grinned.

takemichi blinked multiple times, before he nodded. " yeah! almost. . a decade. " he mumbled the last part, seemingly surprised himself that so much time has passed. " we can always catch up, " nahoya smiled reassuringly, purposely placing an arm around his shoulder. " of course!"

the ravenette beamed, not noticing the death stares from the other two men.

they watched as hanagaki walked away, waving at them. " ingat! " hakkai couldn't help but call out. the three men had something in agreement that moment, he's fucking adorable.



He's not replying. Hanma scowled, his gaze glancing at the text messages he sent to a certain ravenette 30 minutes ago. a hum left his lips, feeling impatient.

A female assistant's attention instantly landed on him as he rose from his destinated chair. " Mr. shuji, is there a problem? " she asked.

" meeting is cancelled, I have somewhere to go. " he bluntly explained, checking the watch over his wrist, as he made his way across the room, heading to the exit. " w-wait sir! please, you can't just leave yet. " she pleaded, as she mindlessly grabbed his arm.

The tall male stared down at her, " ha? let go. " he demanded, his stern tone making her freeze in her tracks. oddly enough, he felt instant relief as she let pulled away, lowering her head. " a-apologies. "

the medium, sized black doors abruptly opened. revealing a male in a suit, brown hair. and a smile to cover his clearly obvious facade. hanma almost rolled his eyes at the sight, " hanma, impatient as always huh? " he chuckled, clasping his hands together.

" still licking the shoes of your boss sasaki? " hanma mocked, sarcastically smiling. noticing how the male's expression immediately dropped. " I'll let you off the hook this once. leave us. " sasaki cleared his throat, his voice laced with annoyance.

the female assistant walked past him, running out of the office. " come on sasaki, there's always more time to have a meeting. " hanma continued, amusement plastered over his face.

" time doesn't matter unfortunately. it's your lack of obedience, I'm surprised this company persuaded you to be one of it's sponsors. "

the tall male only narrowed his eyes in response , " exactly, this company would go bankrupt without me. if you're gonna waste my time with your pettiness. I may as well burn this building to the ground? "

he suggested. sasaki's smile completely withered away.

as he closed the car door shut, a thud followed. his eyes soon flickered towards the window rolling down, revealing shiro, his driver. " what is it? " hanma raised an eyebrow, facing him. " should I tell mr kisaki your busy?"

" ah right, yeah. " he nodded, flashing him a quick smile before walking across the street towards a small abode. his foot soon landed on the creaky porch, raising his hand to knock. he waited for a minute, only to be met with silence. is he asleep?

the ravenette was risen from his sleep, his ears perked at the constant loud banging. checking his phone, 9:06 pm. he stumbled towards the front door, creaking it open. revealing a tall male, staring down at him. " hanma? " he mumbled softly.

" were you asleep this whole time?" hanma asked, noticing the black haired's disheveled hair. and tired state. " yeah, sorry. I only saw your messages now. " the tall male hummed in response, letting himself in as he closed the door behind him.

he let out a sigh, as he engulfed takemichi in his arms. placing his head in the crook of his neck. hanagaki stood there, frozen. " you okay?. something with work? " he uttered, remembering hanma's irritation earlier about work.

" yeah, " he grumbled, nuzzling against takemichi's neck more further. " you know, I may need a stress reliever. " he continued, his voice low and somewhat needy.

hanma was now staring at the bowl of ice cream in his hands. for some reason, the ravenette figured ice cream will relieve him. he exhaled, his gaze flickering towards takemichi beside him, happily eating. you're happy about ice cream, quite cute.

they soon moved to takemichi's bedroom. hanma slid his shirt off, his toned muscles and abs now in show. he smirked in amusement at how the ravenette was secretly watching him. " you seem to be enjoying yourself."

" no. " takemichi mumbled, immediately turning the other way as he faced the wall. hanma chuckled lightly, as he climbed onto the bed, pressing his chest against the ravenette's back. he gently cupped the male's chin, forcing him to look at him.

to takemichi's surprise, their lips had once met again. he felt the male's tongue dominating his, he closed his eyes shut as he parted away. " hanma. . " he trailed off, opening his eyes. seeing hanma eyeing him intensely.

Almost wanting to devour him. " w-we should get some rest. " he nervously chuckled. " rest? when we could be doing something else. " takemichi pouted, stuffing his face against the pillow. " well I'm tired― "

" pout like that again, and I'll fuck you for real. "

takemichi immediately turned away completely. he could hear the male behind him chuckle, feeling arms wrapping around him. a lingering thought was stuck in his mind, " hanma? " he managed to mumble out.

" I. . honestly appreciate the help but, I figured it'd be a one time thing. " the arms around him tightened, " how about a new deal, continue spending nights with me. in return, I'll pay you. "




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