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July 13, 2017 | 2:20pm
Location: Sapphire's Home

Sapphire S.

Sapphire frantically rushed around her room in search of something good enough to wear, it was nearing three and she had to be ready by four.

She didn't think that when she finally agreed to the date with Bishop that he'd hit her up and simply tell her to be ready by four, nothing else. That alone made her nervous, Sapphire was so used to planning things for men/women and making the decisions that when he hadn't asked for her input on anything it gagged her. Bishop hadn't even told her how to dress, only suggested casual and demanded that she be ready on time.

As much as it was nerve wracking, Sapphire was just as excited. Especially after playing 'hard to get' for an entire five days.

She was proud of herself for trying a different approach with men, usually, by now she would have already slept with a man just to feel a pinch of love, just to feel wanted. However, starting therapy had made her notice some things about herself that she was ashamed to admit, it was her truth though and at least she was trying to work through it.

"Girl, just cancel the date, it's not like he'll care," she grabbed her phone and hovered over his contact as she spoke to herself, "well, I guess he might be a little interested being that he waited five days," she groaned in frustration.

Confused on what she should do, Sapphire dialed Desirae's number.

In the past month she had known about her and Penelope, she soon figured out that Desirae was super outspoken, and didn't sugar coat anything regardless of if it hurt your feelings or not. If you wanted the honest truth you'd go to her for advice, and if you wanted your feelings spared and a soft landing on the truth you'd ask Penelope. They were the perfect match for one another, the quiet and the storm.

Sapphire liked to think of herself as the calm, you know, if she was inserting herself into their dynamic.

"Hey babe," Desirae's voice rang throughout the speakers as it connected, "what does a bad bitch like me have to coach you through today?"

Sapphire laughed, "one, I don't only call when I'm in distress and two, should I cancel this date? Like, there's no way he has interest in..me," she expressed while still holding pieces of clothing up to her while she stood in her full body mirror, "why me out of all the beautiful women that have approached him?"

"What do you mean why you? You're obviously the baddest," Desirae told her, "and no you shouldn't cancel the date Saph, you really have to unpack all of those insecurities hun, even I could see from his demeanor that if he gave you attention then he's more than likely interested," she explained, "even if the date goes to shit, at least you stepped out of your comfort zone and tried, just give it a shot. Come on, show me what you're wearing.."

In her asking that Sapphire laughed, "you know I hate the color black and that's literally all I've been trying to put together," she giggled, "you know Bishop is an all black type of guy and I want to match his aesthetic,"

Desirae laughed at that, "trying to match this man is crazy work Saph, and yet you're skeptical about this date?"

"Oh please, we've been married since we locked eyes June twenty first," she finally paired her all black slacks with an all black really low cut dress shirt that fit her like a second skin, "he just doesn't know it yet," she joked.

While they conversed more about her delusions, Sapphire had rubbed oil over the part of her chest that'd be exposed, did a light beat on her face, sprayed her perfume on, picked out a clutch and a pair of her favorite all black chunky heel booties. She decided on no jewelry tonight besides her Diamond studded earrings, and after tidying up a little, it was time to meet Bishop at the address he had ended up sending since Sapphire opted to drive herself tonight.

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