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July 16, 2017 | 11:00am
Location: Leslie's Home

Bishop C.

Bishop stared across the street at his ex-girlfriend's mothers house, today was..would have been Angela's twenty ninth birthday and he desperately wanted to know where she was buried or where her ashes were if not.

He felt they owed him that.

He wouldn't take no for an answer any longer.

Today he had the courage to finally take the hour drive, and maybe it was the liquor.

Either way he was there.

Watching her mother walk out of the house he saw that she had balloons in her hand and a cake, a small smile spread across his face.

Bishop was happy to know that they still celebrated her, regardless of her no longer being on earth with them.

Taking a deep breath he crossed the street and approached Leslie, she was still so beautiful even in older age.

His hands had started to sweat and he could hear his heart pounding through his ears as if it was ready to burst.

"Leslie," he cleared his throat as she looked up from placing the balloons and cake inside the car.

When she nearly jumped out of her skin he could tell that he had startled her, once she faced him he could see the instant tears that brewed in her eyes. It hurt him that she'd react that way to him, when she was once so welcoming to him and loved to be around him. Around that time, he had not only lost Angela but a woman whom he looked to as a mother, the only real mother figure he ever had in his life besides his grandmother. So, for her to visibly hurt when she looked at him even after all this time had truly broken his heart.

Not many people got to say that, not many people got close enough to earn a spot in his heart.

"What are you doing here?" She asked him, tears cascading down her cheeks, "you shouldn't be here Bishop,"

He licked over his lips, "I know..I should be celebrating the life of Angela just like you," he stated, "It's been three years since—"

"Your brother killed her? That's what you were going to say right?" He sighed hearing Justina's voice from the front door, "I told you to stay from around here, we don't want to see you. We don't want to hear shit you got to say Bishop. You hear me?"

Bishop clenched his jaw, it was clear that Leslie didn't feel that way.

He focused on her, "you know me and you know that I would have never put Angela in harm's way..you know how much I loved her," he stepped closer to her and grabbed her shaking hands.

Leslie let the tears fall, snatching her hands away and shaking her head. "I can't Bishop, oh Lord, I can't," she sniffled and turned to get into the car.

Watching her completely break down, Bishop put his head down and decided not to push her knowing the heart condition she had, he turned to walk away. Defeated.

He didn't want to cause her more stress today, however, after today they'd be getting a side of him they never wanted to see.

"Yeah, give up like you always do." Justina yelled out to him. "You truly disgust me," she mouthed off.

Bishop stopped in his tracks, "me? disgusting?" He let out an amused chuckle.

On a sober day he wouldn't have even entertained her, but, being he was already drunk and on edge? Bishop couldn't hold his distaste for her, nor his anger toward the entire situation and them treating him as the bad guy.

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