Chapter 2

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Jordan finished up recording his Survival Video and saved it in a file to edit later, it was 5 and he was supposed to pick up Erin at 5:30. He hadn't told her where he was taking her, just to dress casual and not to eat anything before.

He had plans to take her to the arcade and then out to a New York style pizzeria. He knew she loved pizza and considering they were both big gamer geeks he was positive she would love the arcade.

He still couldn't actually believe that she wanted to go on a date with him. I mean, she was beautiful, quirky, hilarious, everything he looked for in a girl. She was his perfect type. He didn't even know what he was.

Yet she still agreed to a date, so he must be doing something right. He changed into a black v neck and dark wash jeans, something different from his classic grey shirt and green shorts. He topped it off with some plain black sneakers and Axe. He planned on trimming up his beard but he knows how much she likes it on him so he changed his mind.

By the time he was finished It was 5:15 and he needed to go or he would be late to pick her up. So he grabbed his wallet and car keys and headed out.


She took another look at herself in the mirror.

She had on a shirt with a rainbow unicorn that said "Haters gonna hate", a jean jacket, and lightwash jeans. She has curled her hair at the ends to give it a nice bouncy feel. She still had no clue where Jordan was taking her, but nowhere fancy considering he told her to dress down.

She liked it. She expected something like dinner and the movies or a bar and dancing but she had a feeling tonight would be the opposite of what she expected.

Boo was with her Dad so she didn't have to worry about her, it was just her and Jordan. And the multiple texts she was receiving from Sonja to fill her in and from Tom to not hurt his "Sparkly Boo" (She didn't want to ask questions... she was quite scared to hear the answer)

At precisely 5:30 there was a knock on the hotel door. She opened it up and her eyes practically popped out of her head. There he was in a BLACK shirt and JEANS. She couldn't even remember the last time she saw him out of his normal CaptainSparklez gear. He looked incredibly handsome.

He looked just about as shocked as her.

"Erin you look... fantastic" he stuttered. She blushed, quickly moving her hand to her cheeks in a poor attempt to try to hide it. "Thanks.. and you look-" he cut her off "I know." he said smugly. "Hey Sparkle Pants don't push your luck buddy.

They laughed and made no further attempt at conversation as they headed out.


She looked beautiful. It was just regular clothes, but he supposed it was just that for tonight he was hers, she was his. She had a certain glow, she looked happy. He was amazed to know that he could cause such a lovely girl this kind of happiness. He opened the passenger door for her and then ran to the other side and hopped in to drive.

The drive there was silent, but not awkward. It was just easy silence. He liked it.

They pulled up to the side of the Arcade and she practically squealed like a kid in a candy shop. "Jordan! Were going to the arcade??" she asked ecstatically. He chuckled. "Yup, I figured you would like it." She grinned at him and flung the door open.

The speed walked inside where he got them both tokens. The rest of the night was spent in heavy duty challenge mode. Her winning at Mario, him winning at COD, her winning at Halo, him winning at the Daytona 500 simulator. It was easy, light, fun. They took turns throwing sarcastic retorts at each other and playful smack talk.

When they both were nearly out of tokens and had sweat dripping from their brows they decided to call it quits and head out for Pizza.


She was having such a good time. She was so happy to find out he was taking her to the arcade. She smiled at the thought of how well he really knew her. It was perfect, and now they were going to get pizza.

They just simply got cheese pizza and a bottle of red wine. They only held themselves to 2 or 3 glasses, not wanting to ruin the night by getting drunk or making stupid choices. The night was almost over and he decided to take her back to his apartment for some coffee.

When they got there he made a pot and they sat on the couch. "Erin I had a really good time tonight" he said smiling. She blushed a bit as a big smile formed on her face. "Me too. I really did. It was the perfect date, you know me so well." Now it was his turn to blush, how the hell could she be so good to him. "If you would like, I want to take you out again." he said. She pretended to think about it stroking some imaginary beard.

"Okay. You can take me out again... if I get to plan the night activities this time" He smiled "Of course. Sounds like a plan Auroolian" They laughed. "Anything for you CaptainSpooklez" She leaned in to give him a small, quick kiss on the cheek.

WOOOOAHHH Another chapter woop woop. Sorry I didn't get it out earlier. Anyways, make sure to leave some feedback. When it came to Aurey's shirt the one I imagined was one I saw on Taylor Swift, idk hopefully you guys have seen the shirt at one time or another. Also, check out the user Sparklianlover it's my friend Fiona and she makes Sparklian content as well. Hope you had and or are having a very fantastic day. See ya later! ~Maddi

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2015 ⏰

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