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I left seeking adventure and found it in abundance—by the time this reaches you, you'll surely have heard of the battle for Kanara.  We've won, but in truth, the battle is far from over; the city must be rebuilt, and its government is in shambles.  I'm afraid my own adventuring days are over—I'm...much changed.  Yet my spirit remains strong, and I would help these people if I can.

I know you share my restless spirit—the Avakalathi were born to travel, to make something of ourselves.  What I face now is no task for one person alone—I request your presence, and your support.  And if any of the others still feel that urge to do something more...  We could use any who are strong and willing to aid in reconstruction; the presence of a few of the Nilpallandri builders would be deeply appreciated.  With the force of the tribes to aid us, we will surely return Kanara to the prosperity it once enjoyed.  I'm off to Kairos, and then Freeport, to gather aid in this effort.  Make your way to Kanara and see what you can do.  I'll meet you there.

...And bring a storyteller.

What has happened here, the heroes who achieved it...  We cannot allow them to be forgotten.

Give my love to our parents.  I hope to see you soon.

Orin Sunshine Avakalathi

The tavern on sixth street isn't much to look at, but it's serviceable, and that's all it needs to be to provide a welcome respite.  Auris has taken to visiting most evenings, speaking with the patrons, gathering tales and telling her own, and always ending the night with a song or three on her hurdy-gurdy.  They seem happier for it, she thinks, and that's well needed in this time...

"Any new tales for me?" she calls to the barkeep as she enters, straightening once past the doorframe.

"'Course, love," the woman responds with a warm smile.  "Though I think..."  She nods past Auris' shoulder.

"Would you happen to be Oretharos?"

Auris turns to see an old goliath leaning heavily on a staff.  "Indeed, I would," she says with a frown, "and who's asking?"

"Orin Sunshine Avakalathi."  He nods in greeting.  "Thought I recognized the accent."

"Oh, Sunshine?"  She breaks into a smile, and bows.  "Auris Weaver Oretharos, daughter of Medb Reddawn, daughter of Skaia Bloodsinger, daughter of Kellmiri the Wise, at your service."  A pause as she considers the man before her.  "...Excuse my bluntness, but isn't Mourner your sister?"  The Mourner she met couldn't have been more than ten years her senior, while this man looks...positively ancient.

Sunshine smiles.  "Ah, well, I'm not as old as I look—which," he says at her curious glance, "is a story you'll soon hear.  I need you to put together a full version of events from the last few weeks, something to preserve heroes' names, keep public opinion positive..."

Auris of the Thousand Names: A Weaver's ChronicleWhere stories live. Discover now