Stormchild, daughter of Medb Reddawn

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Reddawn & Tailwind,

I've gone to the continent with the adventurers, and though we've been here only a few months, the new settlement is thriving.  They named me Chief Justice—the primary arbiter of disputes—and I've been working to create a system for it...  There's so much paperwork involved with something so structured, but if Freeport's any indication, leaving anything to chance and interpretation is asking for trouble.  I must admit, the jungle grows more attractive with every passing day, if only for the fact its troubles are more straightforward.

Well, some of them are.  There was a place...guarded by illusions, that took the very thoughts from your head to distract or deter you.  A swamp of memories.

I heard your voice, Amaana.

I heard your voice, and I turned, and saw you coming toward me...and watched you fall...  Sometimes the continent is too much like home.

But.  Other news.  I've grown closer still to Miris; she's a constant presence, and has enacted miracles on my behalf—not least of which has been the gift of a companion to aid me.  He is Gwrtheyrn, a giant wolf, and I am eternally grateful for his company.

Auris pauses, her pen hovering over the page.  She sits back with a sigh, looking up to the far window.  Valerian's star charts hang around it, but Valerian himself isn't home, and with Gwrtheyrn off playing with Lyra, she's alone in the house.  Should she mention Valerian in the letter?

She looks at it again, and begins to write, but only ends up describing her other trips into the jungle, and her martial endeavors there—the wendigo and the wyvern, the spore crawler, the igneous rex, the aetherweb stalker...  She almost wishes to go out again now, but the lawbooks call her name, the final details still to be seen to, and she can't put them off any longer.  She skims the letter once more, and signs it.

Left on the desk of Lieutenant Oretharos:

Visitor: GASH

Reason for visit: L̶A̶I̶S̶H̶O̶ the "other"

Notes: Spoke with the other under supervision.  Offered town gossip in exchange for continued promise that the other won't mess with Valerian.  Seemed on edge around the other.

Auris of the Thousand Names: A Weaver's ChronicleWhere stories live. Discover now