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Cross cracked his neck as he strolled down Main Street of the residential district, relaxing in his time off duty. Elma and Lin were off doing their own things today, which Cross could hardly be surprised of. It's been quiet for Team Elma since the Lifehold Core returned to the safety of humanity's protection. Of course, without the threat of the Ganglion looming over humanity anymore, it's been easier for everyone at BLADE. Even Commander Vandham and Defense Secretary Nagi have loosened up slightly.

BLADE's new goal, as Nagi put it, is now to integrate humanity into the ecosystem of the world. In other words, make Mira their new home. With the reopening of the Bioha Water Plant over by Lake Biaho, humanity felt like they were becoming part of the life on Mira, and without the constant threat of the Lifehold Core being in danger, BLADE can finally shift its focus to other things, like finishing up construction inside the city, expanding FrontierNav, and maintaining good connections with the many xenoforms taking residence in NLA, like the Ma-non, Nopon, Wrothians, Prone, and Orpheans.

Snapping out of his thoughts, Cross took the next turn, picking up pace to a sprint towards the administrative district where Blade Tower sat. The sudden summon from Vandham was unexpected, so Cross wound up leaving Lailah Queen, his reliable Skell, parked at the barracks. Which would not be helping him get to Blade Tower any faster. Thankfully, the mimeosome's endless stamina and incredible physical prowess easily allowed Cross to maintain a fast and steady sprint towards the administrative district. He gave Yelv, a Blade he worked with a few times, a quick wave on his mad dash past Yelv's usual spot by the entrance of an alley.

Reaching the hangar directly below the administrative district, Cedar hopped onto the large elevator with numerous other Blades and jogged to Blade Tower, exchanging a quick greeting with fellow Blades as he jogged past them and cut through Armoury Alley. He gave a wave to L, the mysterious blue xenoform he and the rest of Team Elma met in Noctilum, who opened a shop for Blades in Armoury Alley as he jogged past.

Finally rounding the last corner to the stairs up to Blade Tower, Cross walked into the door and stepped into the elevator. He watched outside the clear elevator window at NLA below him, when the elevator made a 'ding' and the doors opened.

Cross stepped out of the elevator and saluted Commander Vandham and Defense Secretary Nagi. Elma and Lin were there as well, standing off to the side. "Cross! We're glad ya made it!" Lin said, the young girl had a excited smile as Cross stepped into the main control room of Blade Tower. Nagi turned to face Cross, his hands behind his back.

"Cross." Nagi said with a nod.

"Secretary Nagi, sir." Cross responded.

"I'm sorry to have called you in on your day off, but we have something important to tell you, and we figured that it would be best to give you a day and process things." Nagi said. "Vandham will give you more details."

"Yep, time for my part in this." Vandham said. "Cross, due to your unwavering bravery and determination in the fight against the Ganglion, we are officially making you the leader of your own squadron."

"My own team?"

"Isn't it exciting!?" Lin asked enthusiastically. "You're at the same rank as Elma now! You're gonna have your own squad to lead!"

"Of course, because of this... you're no longer part of Team Elma. Now though, our two teams may end up working together eventually, you're now the leader of Team Cross. Not bad, Rook... not bad at all." Elma said, stepping forward, and giving Cross a salute.

"Elma..." Cross muttered, before returning the salute with a straightened posture. "It's been a pleasure serving under you, ma'am."

"The pleasure was all mine, Rook." Elma chuckled, letting the professional mannerisms drop. "Guess I can't go around calling you Rook anymore, huh? You've come a long way, soldier."

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