!°Kit and R3d°!

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(This is just a mini story of the two opposites: R3d and Kit! This is not a- R3d x Kit thing so eh- don't expect it. Plus Kit's actual age is 11 years old, and R3d is 19! ALSO they were siblings. That's not going to happen so yea)


Kit was laying on the digital grass while playing with her gloves. R3d was sitting beside her while looking up at the coded sky.

Both of them are good friends despite being exact opposites.

"Hey R3d!" Kit asked while her slim yet fluffy tail wagged.

R3d looked at her for a minute before fully facing her, with their dot like eye brow raised. "What do you need?" They asked before placing a hand on the glitching grass.

"What do you think our lives would be if we didn't download Kinito_PET.exe?" She said as her tail wagging slowly stopped.

They looked at her for a second before looking back at the ground. They looked back up at Kit before scooting closer to their little sister. They patted her head a couple of times before smiling, and stretching out his hands for a hug. Kit didn't hesitate and she jumped into their arms. "Life is many things, Kit. One minute you can lose it, the next you're stuck with it for an eternity.. it doesn't matter really. We may not have mom and dad, but we still have each other. And that's all that matters to me right now." They stated slowly as they cleaned her glasses before putting them back on her face. 

"Now, how about you go talk to Anto, while I'll sit here to think for a while." They said patting the back of her fluffy head. She quickly nodded and ran to their father figure, Anto. 

R3d laid back down on the glitching ground before falling into a deep slumber. R3d was terrified to say that they were stuck here and he was probably gonna cry, because if he said that Kit would've got scared too. Although he doesn't like this new digital code life he has now, at least he has his sister with him. And she's lucky to have him too.

A bit of Kinito Oc lore/art and maybe little mini stories :,DWhere stories live. Discover now