Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Things were horrible without Damon around. Stefan and I had caught up a few times since even if Damon and Elena had cut things off for good. I didn’t care; I couldn't even look at Damon anymore.

I didn’t spend a lot of time with either Caroline or Bonnie because both of them were busy taking care of Elena. I didn’t care too much, I liked being alone. Besides it gave me a chance to see Chase and no one could even ask questions, Stefan even encouraged it.

I have to admit though; dance practice on Monday was a little awkward. Stefan and I walked there together early to speak to whoever was in charge about changing it and ten minutes later Damon swept in with a rose and a grin.

“Are you ready to dance, milady?” He’d asked.

Instead of answering him I’d just grabbed Stefan’s hands and guided them to my waist before beginning to dance with him.

Elena watched us curiously and Damon joined the sidelines waiting for me to turn around and tell him that I wanted him back. I made an extra effort to look happy dancing around with Stefan.

He leant down to whisper in my ear. “You’re putting on a show?”

I bit my lip. “Well we can put on a private show later tonight.”

He shook his head and chuckled. “As fun as that sounds, your heart is in the wrong place.”

I rolled my eyes and put my hand over his chest. “I know yours is frozen or whatever but that is where my heart is.” I trailed my hand down to the zipper on his jeans and tugged him closer, glancing down. “Not down there.”

He threw his head back in laughter and I grabbed his neck and pulled him to me for a kiss.

Caroline looked over. “Hey, when did this happen.” She waved her hand around us. “I like it. Continue.”

Elena stood by Caroline’s side, arms crossed. “I don’t buy it. Besides Car, I thought Stefan was my epic love?”

Stefan glared at Elena. “Well no one can help the fact that you turned off your humanity, right? Oh wait no, that’s Damon’s fault.”

I bit my lip and turned to see Damon groan.

“You guys stop, Elena likes screwing around with people’s feelings and ruining lives. It’s what she does now.” Damon raised his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes. “Well she’s not that good at it.”

Just then Rebekah stormed into the room and grabbed Elena’s arm. “Come on, we have work to do.”

Then they left.

Damon sighed heavily. “I’m going to drink until I can no longer tell the difference between right and wrong.”

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