Call Out My Name

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A/N: I've been thinking a lot about this chapter, I hope I did justice to it.

Mon nodded gently, her expression calm yet contemplative. "I'm here, Sam. I'm listening," she said, encouraging Sam to open up.

Taking a moment to collect her thoughts, Sam began, "I know I've hurt you deeply, and I'm so sorry for what I did. It was a mistake, a moment of weakness, and I regret it more than words can express."

Mon met Sam's gaze, her eyes reflecting a mix of pain and a longing for understanding. "I've been struggling to comprehend why," Mon admitted softly. "I want to understand, Sam. Please help me understand what led to it."

Sam paused, her eyes shifting to the ground momentarily before meeting Mon's gaze once more. "It wasn't about you, Mon. It was about my own insecurities, my fears...I felt lost, and I didn't know how to handle it," Sam confessed, her voice filled with remorse.

Mon reached out, gently placing her hand on Sam's, a gesture of both comfort and support. "You don't have to face these feelings alone, Sam. I'm here for you," she offered sincerely.

Sam's eyes welled up with tears. "I know I've hurt you, and I'm willing to do anything to make things right. I want to earn your trust back, to make amends," she expressed earnestly, her voice quivering with emotion.

Mon sighed softly, her heart heavy yet filled with a glimmer of hope. "This isn't something that can be resolved overnight, Sam," she explained gently. "But I'm willing to try, to work through this together if you're committed to rebuilding what we had."

Sam hesitated for a moment, her eyes filled with a mix of sorrow and the weight of her confession. "When grandmother died, I felt lost. I felt like I somehow wasn't a good grandchild to her," she began, her voice filled with genuine remorse. "And I know how it's going to sound, but please listen to me."

Mon nodded, her expression soft and attentive, encouraging Sam to continue.

"I thought I should've listened to her about marrying someone of my status, someone who could understand the burdens," Sam confessed, her words laced with regret. "You were at your parents' house, and I had no one to talk to. And then one day..."

Mon reached out, gently grasping Sam's hand in reassurance, silently urging her to take her time.

Sam gathered her thoughts, the weight of her confession heavy on her shoulders. "One day, when I was at my office... I was drinking. Nita came to meet me," she continued, her voice fraught with regret. "I tried to tell her to leave, that I wasn't in a good condition, but she started to caress my head and said things like I deserve someone like her, and you would never understand me."

Mon's jaw tensed, an involuntary reaction to the unfolding story. She fought to maintain her composure, offering Sam a steady presence.

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