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They walk in the front door, having arrived home from the birth centre

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They walk in the front door, having arrived home from the birth centre. Everything had gone so smoothly that all they needed was Sarah and baby Gilmore to both eat, and then they allowed her to leave.

It is cold, the snow has started again, and Sarah is shivering as she walks through the house. Benjamin is wrapped up nice and warm, and she takes him out of his car seat and holds him to her chest.

"He's like a little hot water bottle," she tells her mother, smiling. Richard lights the fire and takes a seat on the sofa.

"So," Richard says. "Benjamin Richard? That's a good name, a strong name."

"I thought you would like it," she smiles, cradling Ben as she sits on the couch.

"I do," he says, clearing his throat. "I'm going to go to bed, goodnight ladies."

"Do you want me to stay up with you?" Emily asks.

"Can you come to bed with me?" She asks, staring at the baby.

"Of course, let me go and get my pyjamas, and I will meet you upstairs," Emily says. Sarah remains on the couch, cuddling the baby. She grabs her phone and takes a picture of him, sending it to her sister before following her parents up the stairs. She climbs into her bed, Ben still in her arms.

"He can't sleep with us," Emily says, wandering in the room. "As cute as he is."

"I don't want to put him down," Sarah says seriously. "Did you feel like that when Lorelai and I were born?"

"I did," Emily smiles, reaching over to stroke her grandsons face. "He's so gorgeous, Sarah. He looks just like you."

"Do you want to hold him?" Sarah asks, and Emily nods. The younger girl passes the newborn to her mother and lays on her side, watching them. Emily is so in love with Benjamin. She cradles him in her arms, a big smile on her face. Sarah watches, her eyes becoming heavy, and she falls asleep beside them.

"He has blue eyes," Emily says, turning her head and noticing her daughter is asleep. "Mommy is tired," she tells the baby as she cuddles him. "Just you and me, Grandma's got you," Emily hums as she falls in love with this little boy. She never knew she could love another boy like this. Richard was always the boy of her dreams.

She gets out of bed and sways around the room with the baby for ages before gently placing him in the bassinet next to the bed. She kisses him goodnight and climbs into bed with Sarah, facing her daughter as she falls asleep.

It's already the early hours of the morning when they arrive home, so by the time they wake, it is midday. Sarah is sitting in bed feeding Benjamin when Emily wakes. She had managed to sleep through his crying. "Morning, Grandma," Sarah smiles, her chest barely covered.

"Hello," She says, sitting up. "What time is it?"

"I don't know," Sarah says. "I haven't looked at my phone yet, can you pass it to me please?" Emily reaches over to where it is on charge and hands it to her daughter.

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