Chapter Thirty-Seven: That self-absorbed pigeon!

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As a new day progressed at UA High, the usual rhythm of classes and interactions continued, but there was an undercurrent of anticipation among the students. Akari, like her classmates, went through the motions of her daily routine—waking up, engaging in the usual banter with her peers, and even managing to win another skirmish with Bakugo.

However, the atmosphere shifted when Aizawa made his way to the front of the class, his presence commanding attention as always. With a characteristic air of seriousness, he cleared his throat before addressing the students.

"Attention, Class 2A," Aizawa's voice cut through the room, drawing all eyes to him. "I have an important announcement to make regarding your future hero work studies."

Akari's interest was piqued. Hero work studies were a vital part of their training, providing hands-on experience in the field and invaluable insights into the world of heroics. She leaned forward, eager to hear what Aizawa had to say.

"In two weeks' time, each of you will be assigned a pro hero agency for your work studies," Aizawa continued, his gaze sweeping over the class. "This is a crucial opportunity for you to gain real-world experience and put your training to the test."

The room buzzed with excitement and speculation as the implications of Aizawa's announcement sank in. For many students, this would be their first taste of working alongside professional heroes, a chance to learn from the best and prove themselves in the field.

"As part of your work studies, you'll be expected to assist pro heroes with their duties, whether it's patrolling the streets, apprehending villains, or providing support in crisis situations," Aizawa explained, his tone firm but encouraging.

Akari felt a surge of excitement at the prospect of embarking on her hero work studies. This was the moment she had been training for, the opportunity to step into the shoes of a real hero and make a difference in the world.

"Your assignments will be based on your individual strengths and abilities," Aizawa concluded. "I expect each of you to approach this opportunity with dedication and professionalism. Your performance during your work studies will reflect on both yourselves and UA High."

As the class absorbed Aizawa's words, Akari couldn't help but feel a rush of anticipation coursing through her veins. Hero work studies were the next step in her journey to becoming a pro hero, and she was determined to make the most of this opportunity. With two weeks to prepare, she knew she had to focus all her energy on honing her skills and proving herself worthy of the title of hero.

Aizawa's announcement held the room in a hushed anticipation, and as he reached into his jacket pocket, the rustle of papers filled the air. With a deliberate motion, he withdrew a stack of documents, each one bearing the name of a pro hero and their chosen students for the upcoming work studies.

Handing out the papers one by one, Aizawa's gaze swept over the class as the students eagerly received their assignments. Tsuyu Asui, Tenya Iida, Eijiro Kirishima, Mashirao Ojiro, Mezo Shoji, Hanta Sero, Shoto Todoroki, Momo Yaoyorozu, Katsuki Bakugo, Izuku Midoriya—all found their names among the selected few.

But as Aizawa reached the end of the stack, his pace slowed, and he came to a halt in front of Akari, his expression unreadable. The room held its breath, the tension palpable as all eyes turned to the lone figure standing before their teacher.

"And last, Akari..." Aizawa's voice was measured, his tone hinting at the weight of the moment. He extended the paper toward her, the anticipation hanging thick in the air as she reached out to accept it.

Aizawa's words hung heavy in the air as he handed out the papers, each student eagerly receiving their assignment with cheers and excitement. But as the stack dwindled, all eyes fell on Akari, their anticipation growing.

"You know this one," Aizawa's voice was steady, but Akari's reaction was anything but expected. With a loud exclamation, she ripped open the envelope, and the room held its breath as her eyes scanned the contents.

"NO F**KING WAY!" Her outburst echoed through the classroom, drawing startled looks from her classmates. Rising from her seat, she made to leave, her frustration evident in every step.

Denki, ever eager, rushed to her side, trying to catch a glimpse of the paper. "OMG IT'S AWESOME, YOU GOT-"

But before he could finish, Akari snatched the paper from his hand, her expression fierce. "No one!" Her words landed like a thunderclap, leaving the room in stunned silence.

Confusion rippled through the class as they crowded around Denki, demanding answers. "Well, I'm not going..." Akari's voice cut through the murmurs, her tone resolute.

Mina's eyes widened in disbelief. "BUT YOU GOT HAWKS, THE NUMBER 2 PRO HERO!" Her words rang out, the shock evident in her voice.

Akari's silence spoke volumes as she stood there, her expression a mix of defiance and determination. The room buzzed with questions and speculation, but Akari remained steadfast in her decision.

Aizawa watched from the front of the room, his gaze unreadable as he observed the scene unfold. He knew there was more to Akari's refusal than met the eye, but he also respected her right to privacy.

Meanwhile, Akari's friends exchanged concerned glances, trying to make sense of her unexpected reaction. Denki, still reeling from the encounter, struggled to find the right words to explain.

As the commotion settled, Akari took a deep breath, steeling herself against the barrage of inquiries. With a firm resolve, she made her way out of the classroom, leaving her classmates to ponder the mystery of her decision.

Akari's mind raced with frustration as she navigated the familiar corridors of U.A. Academy. The prospect of spending a week with Hawks—the self-assured, arrogant hero—was nothing short of infuriating to her.

"That self-absorbed pigeon!" she muttered under her breath, the words dripping with disdain. The mere thought of being in his company for an extended period filled her with a sense of dread and annoyance.

But beneath her outward irritation, there lurked a deeper concern—an unease that gnawed at the edges of her consciousness. She couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this assignment than met the eye, something lurking beneath the surface that she couldn't quite grasp.

With each step, Akari's resolve hardened. She was determined to face whatever challenges lay ahead, even if it meant confronting her own fears and uncertainties. For now, though, she focused on the task at hand, steeling herself for the days to come.

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