Chapter 2

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I got to school and everyone was looking at me. great the whole school knows I guess

Dan came up to me "hey bitch" he said
I stared at him in shock. Is he really calling me a bitch? He is the one that's mad at me?

"Leave me alone dan" i said and tried to push past him

"You are not going anywhere why don't we show the whole school what a cry baby you actually are?" He said
And just then before i could even blink he was on the floor and i looked up to see

"Call her a bitch again and i will punch you until your own parents can't recognize you" he said

And walked up to me "are you okay sunshine?" He asked

I was shocked and couldn't even speak nathan and liam would never talk to me at school most people didn't even know i was related to liam now nathan is being

"Y-yeah yeah i'm fine" i said
"Shit your hand" i said and stared at his hand which was covered in bruises and blood from last night's fight

"It's nothing" he said
"No no come with me" i said and we went to the restroom

I took some first aid stuff from my bag and held his hand i put the tissue on his hand and he flinched "fuck did i hurt you" i said

"No i was just kidding" he said
"Asshole" i said and cleaned his hand more

"Done" i said "great thanks" he said and looked down at me

"If he or anyone makes you uncomfortable ever again you come to me ok? I never paid attention to you before because i know your a strong girl and could probably take dan in a fight but now i'm here to protect you sunshine" he said

I smiled "that's so sweet" i said
"I'm serious natalie" he said
"Ok i got it" i said and he smiled
Natalie control yourself

"Okay let's get out of here" he said as he held my hand and got me out of the restroom

"Dude what happened i heard you hit dan again what did he do this time" liam said

"He called sunshi- i mean natalie a bitch so i punched him" he said

Shit he almost called me a sunshine in front of my brother

"Oh i will show him who a bitch is" liam said as he started walking

"LIAM" i shouted
"What"he said
"Leave him alone i'm sure he won't bother me again he was pretty scared of Nathan" i said hoping he would believe me

"Right but i need to show him a lesser myself nobody messes with my sister okay?"he said
"Oh so i'm your sister now? Was i your sister when your girlfriend put the answers to a test in my bag and you believed her and told the principal it was me? Was i your sister when you told me to not tell anyone that you were my brother because you were ashamed of me? Was i your sister when you made me do all your girlfriend's homework in promise of talking to me at school and then called me a loser for believing you? Was i ever your sister liam? Was i?" I said

and i got teared up and ran away from them i never was liam's sister but now he wants to act the older brother act


I was... shocked? That was alot and liam was shocked as well I guess we never really paid attention to natalie because we just thought she could defend here self we didn't know she felt that way I actually feel really bad

I looked at Liam who just looked Sad
"Am i a bad brother?" He said
" i think you have a lot to make up for" i said

"I sure do" Liam said

" ok we need to find her" Liam said
"Whose that little blondie that's always with her?" I said

"She comes over a lot i think her name is gia or something" Liam said

"Yeah yeah it is gia let me find her she probably is with nat" i said and we were on a search to find the girls

"Gia" i said as i saw her around the locker then i saw a couple more girl with her

"Yeah" she said

"Could i talk to you for a sec" i said
"Um.. sure" she said and i pulled her away from the crowd

"Do you know where natalie is" i asked
"Oh so now ya'll are paying attention to her? You know how many times she cried in my arms saying her own brother didn't love her and didn't care about her?" Gia said

" i know i know liam has alot to make up for but just tell me where she is" i said

"Only liam? Why don't we talk about you huh?" She said

What is she talking about me and natalie never talked or did anything really i've always kept my distance just because she's liam's younger sister and i know he would kill me if i ever did anything with her no kidding

"What do you mean?" I said

"Think asshole think" she said

"About what? Me and natalie never talked" i said

"Why tho nathan why tell me why do you avoid her at all costs? Hm she's literally gorgeous there's no one in this school more gorgeous than she is she's nice and kind to everyone even jerks like dan so why the fuck do you always avoid her?" She said

"She's liam's younger sister I can't have any contact with her whatsoever" i said

"What? Like what would liam even do if you paid the slightest bit of attention to her?" She said

"Prolly kill me?" I said

She looked at me down and up with a disgusting look like she despises me "your an asshole nathan" she said "she was crying when she came to me and said she can't take it anymore and went home. Happy now?" She said

"Thanks gia" i said and texted liam that i was going to his house to talk with natalie and he didn't seem mad so gotta go


Heyyy ya'll me backkkk

So what do ya'll think about this chapter??

I think i like it i mean it's just the second one so I can't add that much SPICE to it so wait for the next onessss

Love you all smm


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