Chapter 10

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I got up as usual at 7 am for school
Today i was really tired unlike the other mornings

I got up did my skincare and headed over to my closet to choose an outfit for the day

I got up did my skincare and headed over to my closet to choose an outfit for the day____________________________

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I got changed put on some perfume and got downstairs grabbed my water bottle and headed to school

"Hi sunshine" nathan said
He was waiting for me at the entrance
"Hey babe" i said as i hugged him and put my head on his chest

"Is something wrong? You look tired" he said
I love how he notices everything about me

"Yep just tired I guess" i said not wanting to worry him

"If you say so,come let's head inside" he said and we got to our class

His hand was always on my thighs and was always giving my butterflies

Class ended and we got outside
Just to see dan
Now this is gonna go wrong in every way possible

"What do you want dickhead" nathan said as he held my hands tighter
"Just wanted to have a little nice chat with my girlfriend her" dan said
Did i hear him wrong or did he say girlfriend
What is this boy doing?
We broke up months ago CANT he get over it?
"Listen here buddy she is mine so get the fuck out of my face before i break yours"nathan said

"Calm down dude i just wanna talk"dan said
"Nathan let's just go" i said as i held on to his arm
Nathan gave him a death stare and we left

"I don't get it,why can't he just leave you alone" nathan said

"I don't know what he wants but just ignore him" i said

We got to the cafeteria
"Look natalie I don't want you to talk to him" nathan said as we sat down

"Don't worry why would i talk to him"
I said

"Just be careful i don't like him and i don't want him anywhere near you baby" nathan said

"Promis me?" Nathan added
I like how my word meant a lot to him
"I promise nathan" i said
He kissed me
I'm still not getting used to the fact
That he's my boyfriend
He still gives me butterflies

"I like the effect i have on you" nathan said with a smirk

"Ah stop" i said blushing
"I also like it when you blush for me"
nathan said
I chuckled

"Natalie tonight be resdy at 7 okay"
He said
"Where are we going?" I said
"That's for you to find out" he said as he winked at me
"Well how am i gonna know what to where?" I said
"Wear whatever your comfortable in"
He said
"Okay fine" i said

Im so sorry guys that I didn't upload for a few days
I was just unmotivated about writing but today i looked at the readers and omg were at almsot 30 readersss AHHH
I appreciate all of you!!!

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