Part 4:Life in the Big apple

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Tomas woke up on his bed,confused.
,it was those dreams he was having again,where some random voice tells him to do something.

Tomas:"What the hell is wrong with me..."

All the sudden,there would be an knock on the window.

Spider-man:"Hey kid,can we talk?"

Tomas would look at the window,seeing Spider-man's mask looking into Tomas,Tomas would open the window

Tomas:"Okay,whats wrong?"
Spider-man:"Well uh,i saw an tik tok videos where you  beated up some people and uh,you're POSSIBLY in danger."

Tomas would raise an brow

Spider-man:"Well uh,those people you beated up,they're part of an criminal organization."
Tomas:"uh..what criminal orginazation?"
Spider-man:"i don't know,something called the bloodhounds."

Tomas would sigh

Tomas:"You'd really think that im defensless against them? i can break they're bones if i wanted to,and i'll do it as fast as i need."

Spiderman would slightly shake by how arrogant but menacing this boy sounded like

Spider-man:"Well,thats not why i came here,i wanted to ask you for help.."
Tomas:"why me im just an b-"
Spider-man:"Dude i know you're the one that saved me from that day,you're way of fighting was abit obvious,well for me."

Tomas sighed

Tomas:"You're right,guess you shoyod be called the 'World's greatest detective'."

Tomas said,jokingly

Tomas:"Fine,i'll help you,plus it should be interesting,anything i should know about them?"
Spider-man:"Well other than being people who do money laundering,bring loan sharks,andd selling drugs,they're pretty tough."

Tomas then realized that he had to go to school now

Tomas:"Oh crap,i gotta go,school"
Spider-man:"Oh uh okay.."

So Spider-man swung away,then Tomas would go to the bathroom,shower,then eat breakfeast,etc etc,and then began walking to school,as he arrived to school after many hours,he instantly noticed an well,bad scene happening,it was Jason,Tomas' worst damn enemy,trying to make an move with Angie,OF ALL PEOPLE,it was obvious Angie didn't like Jason,like at ALL,as Angie began to walk away,Jason pulled out his hand to Angie,it was obvious what he was gonna do,Tomas' instinct kick in,Tomas then freaking dashed at Jason and elbowed his forehead A LITTLE TO DAMN HARD,knocking him out.

Angie:"Uh,Tomas why did you do that-"
Tomas:"He was tring to grab you,i didn't WANTED to hit him,but uh- i dunno,it happend.."

Bunch of sudents gathered around,confused if what happend until-

???:"MR YEAGER!"
Tomas:"Here we go again..."

It was Tomas' math teacher Mr Drake or something.

Mr Drake:"Whats going on here"

Mr Drake then looked at Jason,who was lying on the floor knocked out.

Mr Drake:"Did you do this?"
Tomas:"Yep,but he was about ti harass Angie so i-"
Mr Drake:"Enough,Tomas,i dont want to hear any excuses."

Tomas sighed,this happens every time he got punished beacuse he did something to Jason,heck he always never had an damn chance to explain why,guess thats what happens if you mess with the teacher's pet,though this was abit..more anoying,Tomas JUST stopped Jason from doing harm to Angie,and isntead of him HE'S getting punished,so Tomas did something dumb

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