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"You still haven't told me what you told the boys where you were going," I said, slowly drawing circles with my finger on Chan's chest. He laughed. "I told them I'm going on a Tinder date," he said. I started to laugh with him. "And they believed you?" I asked. "Minho surely didn't, but he didn't say something to the others," Chan said, slowly playing with my hair. "You don't think they are suspicious, do you?" I asked.

I thought about it a lot. Felix was suspicious in any case. Maybe not that I was doing these things with Bangchan, but certainly that I was meeting someone. Lee Know also seemed suspicious. Every time Chan and I stood next to each other, he had this look on his face that I couldn't quite read. Chan's phone rang. "I told them not to disturb me!" Chan sighed and took the phone from the nightstand.

"It's Minho..." He picked up the phone and put it on speaker immediately. "What's up?" he asked. "What are you doing?" Lee Know asked. Chan sighed. "I told you where I went," he answered. I looked at him confused. Why was Lee Know making such a strange call? "Yeah. And where does the lucky lady live?" Lee Know asked. Chan looked at me and furrowed his brows. "Uhm... closer in the inner city," Chan said.

"Hmm..." Lee Know said, "That's funny because I'm standing in front of Lily's house and your car is here." Chan widened his eyes. I sat up abruptly. "Yeah... I lent it to her. She wanted to drive somewhere, and she doesn't have her own, so..." Chan said. I looked at him panicked. Why the hell use that excuse? It didn't make sense at all! And Lee Know knew that too because he simply said: "Lily doesn't have a driver's license, Chan." Chan looked at me shocked.

Of course, he forgot that. "I'm coming up now," Lee Know said and hung up. I started collecting my clothes from the floor, putting them on quickly, and Chan did the same. I ran out of the bedroom with Chan, closing the door behind us, so Lee Know wouldn't see the messed-up sheets. "This is bad... this is really bad," Chan mumbled. There was a knock on my door. "Maybe you should hide," I whispered. "He already knows, it doesn't make any sense to hide now," Chan said.

I sighed and opened the door. Lee Know was standing there, a box of food in his hands. Of course, the one time I don't want somebody to come over he would bring me food. He pushed past me and went inside, placing the box on the table after he went to the kitchen right away. I closed the door and looked at Chan confused. He shrugged his shoulders. I walked to the kitchen, Chan right behind me. Lee Know looked back and forth between us. "So are you two dating or something?" he asked, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"No," Chan and I said at the same time. "Then why are you lying about where you're at?" Lee Know asked Chan. "Because..." Chan looked at me. "You know what? I'm just not going to tell you." "Oh, you will tell me, or I'll simply call Felix and tell him who I found at his sister's place," Lee Know said, "wearing his shirt backwards." Chan looked down. He was indeed wearing his shirt backwards. Lee Know continued to stare at us. "Fine!" I finally said, "You know what? I wanted to spend some time with Chan alone, and if he told the truth of where he's going, at least three of you guys would've come along!" Lee Know seemed to think.

Then his face fell. "Wait a minute... alone time? And he wasn't wearing his shirt backwards when he left! And you have a hickey! Did you guys sleep with each other?" he practically screamed. I opened my mouth to say something, but I didn't know what to say. Chan also stayed silent. "Are you out of your mind, Chan? She's Felix's little sister! She is even younger than Jeongin!" Lee Know yelled.

"Don't yell at him!" I said. "You don't have a word in this, Lily! What were you two thinking?" he continued to yell. "Hey, Minho, calm down," Chan tried to remain calm, but I saw that he was getting angry. "I'm not gonna calm down! You two... Chan, she is a child!" he screamed. "I'm not a child, I'm turning 23 this year! I grew up! Get over it! I can decide for myself if I want to have sex!" I yelled back at that point, "and I'm tired of you guys treating me like I'm a little girl! Chan is the only one treating me like an actual adult!"

"Yeah, because he wanted to get into your pants!" Lee Know yelled back. "I didn't plan that to happen!" Chan defended himself, "It just did!" "I swear to god I'm going to kill both of you," Lee Know said. "Minho, please don't tell Felix!" I pleaded. "How am I supposed to keep that from him, Lily? Chan, why didn't you think for just one second?" he answered. "I thought about it a lot! You can't understand it, Minho, because you are not in my situation!" he defended himself.

"Yeah, because I wouldn't even think about sleeping with one of the boys' sisters!" Minho said, "Imagine I would do that to Hannah, how would you like that, huh?" "That's not the same!" Chan protested. "It is exactly the same!" Lee Know exclaimed. "Minho, please, please don't tell Felix! I mean, it was only one time!" I started to plead again. "Stop lying! You two are sneaking around since you recorded that song! Is it about him? Is this how it all started?" Lee Know asked.

I sighed and looked down at my feet. "Yes," I mumbled. "And the one before that was also about him, am I right?" Lee Know asked. I just nodded. "Listen, Minho, I've known her for years now, and I really, really like her. It's not like you think. I don't want to just get into her pants," Chan asked, bringing more calmness to the heated discussion. I blushed. He really, really liked me? "Fine. I'm not approving this. And when you do something stupid to hurt her, I will kill you. And I'm not telling Felix under two conditions," Lee Know started.

I looked up at him. "Which ones?" I asked. "First, you have to tell him yourself. I give you a week or else I'll tell him, and second, you need to change your Instagram name," he continued. I looked at him shocked. "But that name is so cool!" I protested. "Yeah, and you stole it from me!" he said. "I'm going home now, and I will check your profile when I arrive." He left the kitchen. I looked up at Chan. "We messed up," I whispered. He took my hands in his. "And wear a turtleneck if you come over! The hickeys look ridiculous!" Minho yelled from the hall.

After that, I heard the front door open and close again. Chan looked down at me. "He gave us a week," Chan mumbled. "I'm so scared to tell Felix, Channie," I whispered. "I mean, what should I tell him? Hey, Lixie, I just slept with your best friend! Nice weather outside, isn't it? How the hell should I put it?" "Yeah, maybe you shouldn't put it like this," Chan mumbled. He put his hands on my hips and pulled me close. "Maybe we just tell him that we are together," he whispered.

"Together? As in a couple?" I asked. My heart was racing again. Did he want that for real, or did he just want to tell this to Felix as a lie? "If you want to... I mean... we wouldn't have to sneak around anymore. And... and I would like the thought of calling you my girlfriend," he said. "Like for real?" I whispered. "I really like you, Lily, and I don't think that I can stay away from you, even if other people might not like this," he said. I took a deep breath. "I would really like this," I whispered and started smiling. Chan smiled as well, before pressing his lips gently on mine.

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