Chapter 4

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After the Demon King disappeared, the whole world seemed to be shrouded in light for a moment. The dark elements were dormant again. They didn't disappear, but they ran into the shadows and crevices to avoid harm. The Demon King's corpse lay on the cracked ground. The dark elements in the cracks around the ground churned. Occasionally, black gas would float up and entangle the hero Xu Jun's feet.

It was a pair of feet that seemed to be soaked in blood. One of them was wrapped in a tattered boot, and the other was only covered with a pair of wool socks. It was said that the boots were a gift from the Elven Prince, but now they were even more
tattered than a beggar's shoes.

Further up, there was a pair of slender and beautiful legs with tight muscles and bloodstains. His waist was as strong as a cheetah's. as a man, his broad chest and shoulders were not clumsy. His golden hair was like the sun, but it was stained with blood and looked like the setting sun. His face was not only beautiful, but it was also very handsome. His eyes were blue and clearer than the sky.

He carried a heavy silver sword that could crush people. The Griffin Shield on his arm had been shattered to the point that it could not be restored. This was a hero who had walked the path of strangers. But he was smiling, and there was a hint of sadness in his gentle relief.

Everyone who saw him had to admit he was a true hero.

The hero thought about the voice that appeared in his mind—His Highness Prince Leon, the Crown Prince of the Snow Blade Kingdom—and what kind of secret relationship he had with the Demon King. At the same time, his mind was filled with ten thousand words of complicated plot and indescribable words. Oh ho! As a veteran player who had played Daddy Gale's games for more than five years! Who else could understand Daddy Gale's characters better than him!

Daddy Gale was rumored to be the most daring company when it came to storytelling! The storytelling of the games they made did not consider whether children could control themselves after watching them or not! The company had always been about bringing out the feeling! How to bring out the adult version! How to bring out the indescribable!

In the previous "Light of Darkness" game, the main character had a lesbian relationship with the Empire's Queen! They even had a lesbian relationship! Would homosexuality be far off?!

Therefore, Xu Jun spoke to Prince Leon's soul like a real hero, "You and the Demon King may have a story, but don't worry, I'm not the kind of person who wants to get to the bottom of things. But please help me with something."

The Dark Demon King of Roschinke—also known as Leon, the First Prince of the Snow Blade Kingdom a few decades ago—calmed down a little. This hero is quite easy to deceive. For some reason, the hero's thoughtfulness gave the Dark Demon King a strange feeling. This brave warrior was a little silly, but he wasn't bad. On the contrary, he was much better than those nobles who were full of lies. Prince Leon, who had become Roshyank The Devil a few decades ago, couldn't help but think that he had once seen such a silly and righteous young man.

Unfortunately, that young man had already died under the deceit and greed of humans. The country that he had once protected did not recognize him, and the illuminated that he had once revered had abandoned and despised him. He had already become the Demon King.

That was a matter of a few decades ago.

After that, he loathed humans and several other dignified races.

But right after he died, he discovered that he actually admired the hero who had killed him?

Although the other party had shown a wretched and greedy character, at the same time, he was also a little silly, very upright, and very gentle... so far, the other party's request of "please help me with something," Roshyank The Devil felt that he should try his best to satisfy it. After all, he would sooner or later occupy the other party's body, so it was reasonable to make up for it now.

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