Chapter 3

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Xu Jun, the Hero. Based on his achievements, he was probably the bravest person in the entire continent. But someone like that... was actually scared of ghosts.

Who would believe that?!

But Roshyank The Devil, who resided in the depts of his soul, told him that he believed it.

It couldn't be helped. He could feel the Hero's emotions, and there was no way he could turn an blind eye to his emotions.

If the Hero was an old man with a weak heart, he would have died a long time ago. _ 

As for the Hero's soul, it was trembling as it screamed in its mind, "GM! gm! gamemaster! MAS! THERE ARE GHOSTS IN YOUR GAME!!!" He could only ignore it. Who knew what the Hero was screaming about? He couldn't understand it. Maybe the Hero had gone mad. = _ =

Roshyank The Devil has no choice but to use his weak mental strength to calm the Hero's raging heart. He had been the Demon King for so many years, and he has always relied on his strength and wisdom to defeat his enemies. He had relied on his courage and skill to subdue his subordinates. But today, he has to use his mental strength to bewitch the Hero... This was something he couldn't let anyone else know about.

He felt that his heart was really tired.

"I am a soul that was bound here until just now." Roshyank The Devil finally managed to calm the Hero down. He began to think about his self-introduction, "Hero, you have freed my soul. I sincerely wish that the God Of Light will protect you."

Xu Jun felt that the Soul's words were natural and sincere, but for some reason, the words, "may the God Of Light will protect you" sounded like "I wish you an early death." This must be an illusion. He decided to continue asking, "But why are you bound here?"

The Soul seemed to sink in an instant, 'This is because of His Majesty Roshyank The devil."

The Demon King gritted his teeth as he said his title. He even addressed himself as "Your Majesty," and he had to make sure that his tone was humble enough. He continued, "I am the former First Prince of the Snow Blade Empire... No, the former First Prince of the Snow Blade Empire, Leon."

Xu Jun listened attentively. In the game, it was said that the Snow Blade Kingdom used to be an empire. However, thirty years ago, it was downgraded to a kingdom due to certain circumstances. Most of its land was swallowed up by the Golden Banner, a large area in the east was occupied by the Dark Abyss. The current king of the Snow Blade King was in his forties. He was the second prince back then. According to the game's official Chronicles of the Divine Mainland, in 1334 of the Holy light Calendar, the first prince of the Snow Blade Kingdom led an army to fight against the demons that appeared in the Dark Abyss. At that time, the Dark Abyss was still a small crack. The eldest prince of the Snow Blade Kingdom was called Leon. He had become a Gold Knight at the age of fifteen. He was very talented, and it was said that he had a very gentle personality. He had a good reputation within the empire.

But where did the eldest prince go after that? Since then, no one had ever said that they had not died in battle, nor had they been harmed. They had simply disappeared into thin air. In 1336 of the Holy Light Calendar, when Leon was seventeen years old, the second prince of the Snow Blade Empire, Essenmeer, took over the throne. The eldest prince, Leon, gradually disappeared from people's memories.

As a die-hard fan of Daddy Gail, Xu Jun had read the Chronicles of Divine Mainland very seriously. He was even more serious than when he was in history class. Unfortunately, history was always boring. There were many people and places that he could not remember at all.  ._. (I hate history too...)

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