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the next day, ava drove jonathan and darcy to school in her scion tc wearing a nirvana tshirt paired with blue jeans and a leather jacket. they made a stop at the drive through cafe as always 

"two double espressos and an americano, please" she has the order on her fingertips at this point 

"okay, i'll see you kids later" ava said as she parked the car and got outside walking into the school  

"ava" mr. cheng called "why don't you come here and help me?" she followed him into the classroom

"why not" she forced a smile and sat across the teacher's dest that he was sitting at "what do you need help with?" 

"you can go over those reactions and tell me if you find any errors" he instructed as she looked at him deadpanned 

"seriously? mr. cheng you and i both know you're not good at lying" she sighed "what is this about?" she still looked over the reactions he had written down in the file 

"i just wanted to ask you" he hesitated knowing how sensitive of a topic this is "how are things at home?" 

"well" she sighed "dad's still out most nights of the week, thankfully i bought a new lock for my room so mom can't waltz in there anytime she wants" she tried to downplay the situation 

"oh well" he walked over and put a hand over her shoulder "that's nice to hear" a tear escaped her eye 

"yeah" she sniffled as she looked away wiping her face off "making me cry at 7 in the morning" she chuckled making him smile as he returned to his position 

"what are teachers for" he joked as they resumed the work they never started "so" he spoke up after a minute "totally for your sake and keeping you busy, do you wanna tutor this student in ms. taylor's class?" 

"a favor for ms. taylor and it's for my sake?" she scoffed "just say you wanna impress her" 

"yeah i do and so what" he smiled 

"sure" she chuckled "isn't she teaching the normal non-ap students?" 

"yeah, don't look down on them just because they are not in ap. don't be so cocky, ava" he chided playfully

"alright alright, i'll tutor." she chuckled "who's this student?" 

"jut some girl in her class" he avoided the eye contact 

"mr. cheng?" she tried making him look into her eyes "mr. cheng who is the student?"

"it's regina george" he gave up 

"so" ava started when the three sat at the lunch table "i have to tutor regina george" she shrugged in defeat 


"the plastic?

"yes" she sighed "mr. cheng asked for a favor and i couldn't turn him down" 

"you can't do that bro, she'll eat you up" jonathan warned 

"you think i don't know that?" she looked over at the plastics where oddly enough there was a fourth member cady heron. all four in pink clothing 

"she'll absolutely destroy you" darcy chimed in 

"c'mon guys, it can't be that bad" ava tried to reason "not like i am gonna ask her out or anything, i'll just tutor her" 

"how long do you think" jonathan spoke, turning towards darcy "it'll take her to have a mental breakdown?" 

"jonathan!" ava chided 

"i give it one week" darcy ignored the girl 

"i think she's a bit tough" jonathan looked back at ava 

"thank you" she made a point and looked at darcy with a challenging look 

"two weeks" jonathan placed his bet "let's raise the stakes this time, 50 bucks" 


"guys!" she hit them both on the shoulder simultaneously "you know what?" she started to stand up "i am gonna go over there, right now and and tell her about it" 

"we never told you to do it neither does it benefit us in anyway" jonathan said confusingly 

"i am making a point" she said frustrated as she made her way over to the table, regina now nowhere to be found 

"hey, ava" kevin greeted 

"sup" she smiled back at him as she turned to the plastics when he left "uh, where's regina?" she asked the three 

"what do you want?" gretchen rolled her eyes not even looking up at her 

"regina. now where is she?" ava asked again when regina arrived and took her place 

"ew" regina side eyed ava "why is she by our table?" 

"she was asking about you" gretchen spoke before ava could open her mouth 

"ugh, why" regina made a face

"i am still here and i can hear you" ava scoffed

"can you hear me now?" regina said before whispering "bye" making ava roll her eyes 

"that's so immature" she scoffed "anyway can we talk? in private?" she asked looking at the other three 

"why would i wanna be alone with you?" 

"it was for your own good" she sighed "ms. taylor asked me to tutor you for chem as you've failed all you recent tests" she raised her eyebrows making regina widen her eyes "so, meet me after school and we can discuss scheduling" she walked away and towards her table. 

a pair of blue eyes bore hole in her back

"she's glaring at you" jonathan murmurred playing with his food as he avoided looking at the plastics 

"i know" ava replied in a trembling voice as she looked down at her trembling hands "ugh" she shook the shiver that came on 

"and you totally told her off, that was so cool" darcy spoke 

"yeah, i totally blacked out, i have like zero memory of what just happened" ava was an introvert with social anxiety, if you couln't tell. 

after school, ava waited for regina at the parking lot leaning over her car's door with an unlit cigarette between her lips 

"i didn't know nerds smoked" regina arrived as she took the cigarette away from ava's lips 

"i wasn't smoking" she muttered under her breath "so, i've been instructed i have to tutor for 12 hours each week" 

"bababa why don't you shut up" regina mocked her "how about, i give you my assignments and you complete them for me?" 

"yeah? and what good will that ever do?" ava put her hands in her pocket 

"it'll mean that we don't have to spend a couple hours together everyday and i can spend that time on something useful and you can... study or whatever it is that you losers do" 

"absolutely fucking not" ava forced a tight lipped smile "i am not gonna complete your assignments for you. i'll tutor you and if you don't cooperate i am gonna have to tell on you. you wouldn't wanna fail on your finals now would you?" she tilted her head 

"fine, give me your address" regina sighed in defeat

"oh no that's not a good idea" she shook her head "let's do it at a cafe or your house or like a library there are so many options"

"fine" regina was intrigued "pick any library and text me" 

"i don't have your number" ava shrugged taking out her phone

"was this all just a ploy to get my number?" regina smirked as she input her number to ava's phone 

"you wish" ava scoffed "alright, i'll text you the details for tomorrow" she said as she looked regina walk away 

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