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ava stood in front of the george mansion with shaky hands and a bouquet she tapped her leg trying to work up the courage to knock as her anxiety got the best of her. 

she sighed before she walked back and threw the bouquet in the trashcan before driving to jonathan's as she texted darcy to meet her there. 

she did have a lot of confessions to make. well just a major one.

"ava? what a lovely surprise?" mrs. wang gretted the girl before hugging her 

"nice to see you, mrs. wang" she stepped inside the house "nathan...?" 

"he's up in his room, sweetheart" she directed ava as ava made her way to the guy's room 

"ava" jonathan greeted as she sat on his bed and darcy came out from the bathroom 

"i have a confession to make" she sighed before letting her body fall down on the comfortable mattress 

"us too" the two confessed "but you first" jonathan said 

"so" she got up "promise me this is not gonna be a big deal" she said as the two nodded "i had a thing with regina george" 



jonathan and darcy exclaimed at the same time 

"you knew?" jonathan asked darcy "what" he said in shock "the blonde, rich, plastic. the regina george?" 

"yeah" ava confessed

"i had a hint about it" darcy said sitting down beside the girl 

"i- how long?" 

"you remember halloween?" ava asked the guy "i confessed that day and a few days later when i was acting cold towards her, she kissed me and we talked it out" 

"so basically since halloween?" he asked "how did i not know about this?" 

"you guys had a confession" she asked "what is it?" 

"promise us, you're not gonna freak out" darcy said as ava nodded "we're together" she said looking at jonathan 

"we three are together" ava chuckled furrowing her eyebrows before the realisation slowly hit her making her jaw drop and eyes widen "you two-" they nodded "jonathan and darcy? my two bestfriends?" she yelled 

"ava calm down" jonathan said 

"my two bestfriends were dating behind my back and i had no clue" she shrieked "how long?" 

"since the trip, more or less" darcy looked down 

"since the trip" ava yelled "what?" she started getting up 

"ava" darcy called her 

"no no" she scoffed "i might be interrupting something here" she gestured between the two "my two bestfriends" 

"ava" jonathan made her sit back down "we're not messing around okay? i love her" he said looking at darcy before ava's face softened 

"aw" she said in a low loving tone "my two bestfriends" she smiled before pulling them both into a hug "so" she asked pulling away "you two are gonna attend the spring fling together?" 

"yeah" the two looked at each other and smiled "you're gonna attend with regina?" 

"nope" she said popping out the 'p' sound "shit went down between us and i don't think, we're you know, not anymore" she shrugged as the two gave her a sympathetic look "oh shut up" she said before shoving them both 

"you didn't see her? after the accident?" jonathan asked 

"i uh i tried" ava nodded to herself "i just couldn't do it. i backed off" 

"come on" darcy said 

"hey i don't even know if we're like, together anymore you know?" she said 

"the only way to find out if you ask" jonathan sat beside her "communication, ava" 

"ask? and then what? embarass myself?" she asked "listen i don't care whatever you say, i am not making a fool of myself again in front of regina. so just shut it with your advices" she said  

ava arrived at her house with thoughts of regina still lurking in her mind when she saw her mom and dad sitting in the living room. 

that's a strange occurrence 

she thought to herself before she tried walking to her own room

"ava" her mom called her "join us, please" 

"this feels awfully a lot like a creepy ritual, but sure" she said as she took a seat near the two 

"ava, freya and i have decided something" jeff stated gesturing towards ava's mother

"and that would be...?" ava asked looking between the two. 

"we wanna apologise to you" freya stated "i know how bad of a mother i always was, to you" she sighed "i wanna change that, i wanna be a good mother to you so i decided i am gonna reform myself and my ways. but first i needed to apologise" 

"and i" jeff started "i am sorry for the way i acted as well, it was only after we talked on that trip that i realised how bad we messed you up. i was your dad, i was supposed to be responsible but i acted recklessly so now i am apologising and i promise you i will change" 

"oh" ava fought back the tears as her voice broke "and if you think that this" she sniffled "this 'apology' and promises to be better are gonna change anything between me and you guys, then you're wrong" she said before getting up "i don't care how bad you guys feel, i couldn't care less. you two fucked me up and i am never gonna forgive you for that" she stormed off to her room leaving the two adults sitting there

jeff reached out and softly held his wife's hand as the two silently cried. they knew it was their fault, and how ava was acting was nowhere wrong.  

out of my league [Regina George]Where stories live. Discover now