VIII. Interlude: Cupid is ready to fight back

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'My dear' Luna slouched down on her bed, sinking into the softness of the sheets 'I have never missed you so much.'

As a respond to that heartfelt declaration, the bed cracked under her weight. But she didn't care about its annoyed remark.  

Friday was the most challenging day for Luna. Due to her lessons, she had to stay all day in university, which left her completely exhausted when returning home in the evening. On top of that, that night she couldn't stop mulling over a certain someone's behaviour.


A purring cat jumped on her lap, asking for attention.

'Prrr Miaow'

Luna though, was far too immersed in her thoughts to care for her furred friend. And the cat couldn't bear it.

'Rosie! How many times I have to tell you to not bite my nose?!' The culprit stood still, wagging her tail with splendid nonchalance.


Luna looked angrily at that grumpy cat 'We spoiled you too much' then she paused and sighted 'What am I doing venting my frustration on you?'

She stroked gently her back as a form of apology 'What should I do Rosie?'


'Should I investigate him?' Luna took her phone on the bedside table 'I could ask Ginny. Last time she said he was a friend.'

As Luna was searching for Ginny's number, a little paw covered the phone's screen 'Miaow!'

'What?' Rosie just stood still, tilting her tiny head 'You think I shouldn't?'

'Miaow Miaow!'

It's unclear whether the cat was truly concerned about Luna's actions, or if she was just demanding for more cuddles. Yet, it was as if Rosie's meowing snapped something in Luna.

'You are right. I'm not doing it' she throwed the phone somewhere on the bed and lied down 'I'm not that desperate.'

She felt gloomy somehow. A mix of tiredness and drowsiness had taken over her. Rosie took advantage of Luna's state to sneak under the bedsheets.

Luna glanced out the window, the only spot that didn't make her head spin. There was a full moon that night, a beautiful white island in a dark deep sea.

Must be lonely there. Not even a shining boat approaching the harbour...

'I'd better sleep now. No more mental meanderings for today.'


'You too fluffy ball. I swear this is the last time you are crashing here.'

As she was closing her eyes, one last thought made its way out of her mind.

Late nights are the worst. They really trick us in believing that everything is going to be our way. 


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