XI. Late cocktail talk about nonsense

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I had a lot of fun writing this chapter, and I hope that you, gentle readers, will enjoy it as much as I did. It's my first time putting some music as a background for a chapter. If you have the time go check out this youtube account Lullablocks: the videos are amazing!


It was still daylight even though it was already six o'clock. The street was buzzing with life: students celebrating their youth, colleagues meeting after a long day at work, couple going for a date, distracted tourists trying to find that famous restaurant that their guide recommended them. If someone were to initiate an anthropological study of humanity, that would be the perfect place to start exploring. You could literally find every kind of people there.

The downtown at six p.m. was the downtown at six p.m. Vibrant, Boisterous and ... terribly packed.

Luna was, in fact, currently pushing herself through the crowd while being friendly scolded by her two best friends on the phone.

'How long will it take you to get here?'

'I swear I almost there' she got over a big group of tourists 'It's just that there is a bit of traffic'

Luna could feel a voice sighing in the back 'I will be there in five'

She wasn't lying. She did the math, looked around, and came to the conclusion that she was indeed just around the corner.

'You better be. Just so you know, Silvia is setting the timer'

'Yeah, sure' she rolled her eyes and distractedly hit a passerby on the shoulder 'Oh I'm so sorry! Girls I'm hanging up.'

Five minutes later, like clockwork, she was standing in the square where she was supposed to meet with her friends. Before she could even approach them, they spotted her first as they energetically waved and called out her name to get her attention. Luna simply smiled and started striding towards her two closest friends, Silvia and Elena.

The three of them have met 8 years prior, and since then they have become inseparable. They did middle school and high school together, always in the same class too. This was the first time they parted ways, and the chances to get together wouldn't come so often. So, it was nice to see each other like this whenever it was possible.

They went for a silly group hug while laughing altogether. Whoever was passing by could have felt the explosive joy that the three girls radiated. Once they ended the "hug moment" Luna was the first one to speak 'How long has it been since we've gathered like this?'

'Too long' responded Silvia 'Too long that I was worried I would forget your faces'

Elena smacked her shoulder 'Don't be so dramatic Silvia. Let's just say It's good to have the whole squad together again'

The other two girls smiled at Elena, showing their agreement with her.

'Now let's go get some drinks' she continued 'the place is just right in front of the square and it has tables outside'

Elena had always possessed a refined taste for culinary matters. It's a skill that will consistently made a lasting impression on everyone.

We are going to have so much fun.

The bar gave off an antique and historic vibe. The walls weren't painted but the typical red bricks were there to be seen, adorned with rustical decorations and black and white photographs of the downtown. It wasn't that late, but the room was already filled with the sound of lively conversation and the cheerful clinking of glasses. There wasn't any music playing in the background yet, probably too early for that. For now, the sound of laughter and the fountain from the street would have to suffice.

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