Hard calls

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It was one of those calls that Police Officers hate having to make.

Taking a life.

Metro was called into a case that was escalating way too far. The suspect was holding people hostage in a bank, he heard there was one but then he also heard that there were two suspects in there holding people hostage as they were robbing the bank.

They were keeping people there at gunpoint and threatening if they even reached for their phone they would shoot everyone.

Once the Metro team got there Lieutenant Pine and Sergeant Bradford made up a plan to try to get a plan on how to get everyone out safe and the suspect out of the bank. The main goal is to have no one get hurt.

Once they think of a plan, they can do it without letting the suspects know that the police are in the building because they don't want anyone else getting hurt.

Pine is outside helping people stay away from the bank and also helping the citizens that are coming out of the bank go to safety. Tim takes half of the team with him while the other half goes with MadDog. They get everyone from the front of the bank out and now it's time to get the people out that are being held at gunpoint, but once they got in there, they realized how bad it really was.

After a minute they got to the back and got everyone out that they could, half of MadDog's team and half of Tim's team got one of the suspects out but the other one was putting up a fight with Tim.

After a minute Tim realized that he was now on the ground with a gun pointed at his head, he quickly thought of what he could do to get out of this situation, he moved his eyes around but not his head, he had noticed that his gun was lying right next to him, he slowly moved his arm to get the gun.

When the suspect looked away Tim pushed the gun away from his head and then got his gun up and ready, "PUT THE GUN DOWN!!" Tim waited another moment before he aimed the gun to where he needed it, "I SAID PUT THE GUN DOWN!!"

The suspect then aimed it at Tim and went to press the trigger but then Tim took the shot to protect himself and the two officers behind him. After a moment Tim got it together and took out his radio, "I need an RA, to my location."

Once the RA got there Tim left to get checked out by the techs.

Pine was walking around to try and find her sergeant to see if he was okay, "Jeez Bradford, I told you to be safe, what happened?" He was silent for a moment; he was lost in his thoughts. "Me and that guy got into a fight, he then ended up aiming the gun at me while I was on the ground, I told him to put the gun down two times and then he moved to the trigger, so I took the shot,"

After the HR interview.

He went to the locker room to change out, while changing he noticed that his back was hurting, he knew that was going to happen, once he was changed, he went out to his truck to drive to his house, but first he messaged Lucy to tell her that his shift was done and that he was going home.

"Hey babe, my shift finished early, I'm going to my place for the night. I have some stuff I need to get done." She responded after a couple minutes saying, "Okay baby, I'll be home for the rest of the evening if you ever want to come over."

He thought he should go home because he did not want to be a burden on her after he had such a hard shift, but all he wanted to do was sit on the couch with Lucy in his arms and forget the day.

Once he got home, he took Kojo out on a run to try and clear his mind a little, he ran a little under 4 miles and then walked back to his house. Once he was back at his house, he got into a freezing cold shower to try and just numb whatever feeling he had. After his shower he got dressed and then went out to the living room to sit on the couch and watch the sports channel.

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