𝗲𝗽𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗱𝗲 𝟮𝟱: 𝗶𝗻𝘃𝗮𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗾𝘂𝗶𝗿𝗿𝗲𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗼𝗶𝗱𝘀

52 3 74

A/N: Eclipse belongs to GeekyCookie1.

"Squirrelanoids. Trust me, you don't want to face one of those freaky squirrel thingys—they're creepy."

A FEW WEEKS had passed since their mutagen incident and they hadn't been able to find a single canister of mutagen so far—even with Donatello's tracker, they haven't been able to find just one. Though, it wasn't just the mutagen that was on their minds: none of them had heard from either April or Kaz, let alone seen them. Well, the five mutant turtles hadn't seen them when April and Kaz would usually stop by the lair to visit but that wasn't the case with Henry and Briana since they went to the same school. School was definitely awkward between the four of them while April was making sure to avoid them at all cost and Kaz often took the time to practice with Casey as the two best friends of them were on the hockey team together.

Briana wasn't sure how many messages she had sent, apologizing for what happening and how she promised that she'd find a way to make a cure to bring his mother back to normal. She spent days and nights in the lab, putting all of her time and energy into finding a cure for not just Kaz's mom but for April's dad as well. It was the least she could do, considering what happened was their fault but it was the only thing she could even do at the moment while she and her brother waited for the centrifuge to finish with the results that they needed to find out if Henry was one of the shapeshifters that Briana had found out about on the internet.

"Take a right—no, left! Left!" Donatello called out as Leonardo made a sharp turn.

"Um, Donnie, maybe you can tell me before we pass the street." Leonardo said.

"I'm sorry, Leo. There's still so many mutagen canisters out there, my tracker is having trouble zeroing in a single reading." Donatello said. "Oh, turn right!"

Leonardo made another quick turn as the others gave a yelp. "I think I just got shell-lash." Raphael said.

A scream came from the back of the ShellRaiser and they turned to see that it was from the orange masked mutant turtle.

"Uh, Mikey, you want to stop reading your comics and pay attention to the mission?" Boy Danger asked.

When he didn't respond, Raphael walked over and grabbed the comic out of his hands. "Hey! That comic's is mint—ah! Near mint condition! Don't mess it up!" Michelangelo said.

"Great, another horror story," Raphael said. "Guess who's gonna be up all night again?"

"What? No, I was up all night cause I was polishing my grappling hook." Michelangelo said.

"Right, cause that's why you called me at midnight last time to meet you at the lair because you were afraid that the aliens were going to get you." Boy Danger reminded him, as the orange masked mutant turtle just gave a sheepish smile.

"Seriously, Mikey, what are those horror comics good for other than freaking you out?" Eclipse questioned.

The tracker in Donatello's hands suddenly started beeping. "Got one! Stop here!" He said.

Once Leonardo stopped the ShellRaiser and they all climbed out, they followed Donatello towards the edge of an alley. He placed on what looked like an odd set of binoculars. "My ooze-specs are picking up a mutagen trail. Come on!"

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