2 - ma

426 4 0

it was exactly 7.33pm and i decided to start getting ready for that party, rue said she'd be here at 9 so i quickly jumped in the shower.
i wore a simply black shirt with some detailed cut out design and black leather pants with some casual jordan's. i didn't know anyone yet so i didn't feel like going to a party dressed like a slag would give people the best impression of me, i did some light make up and let my straightened hair fall down my shoulders. what i forgot was a jacket. my stupid ass was rushing and didn't grab a motherfucking jacket.


yo riv outside hurry

i left her on read and run out the door not bothering to let my mum know were im going.

we were walking towards the party rue said it was only a couple blocks so we'd be fine walking.
a car slowed down behind us and a few girls started talking to rue, turns out they were heading to the party too, and offered us a ride.
"maddy?" "river?! oh my god" me and maddy met a year ago when i was living in orlando she was on holiday there with her family. "what the hell you doing here girl i thought you lived in orlando?" "we moved, i live like a street over from rue" we smiled at eachother as she continued driving. im glad i know another person here. me and maddy would go to the mall and beach while she was in orlando but she didn't stay for long before returning home. we were good friends and got along amazing. "these are my friends, kat and bb" maddy spoke and pointed to the girl in the passenger then to the girl sat beside rue "hey girls its nice meeting you" i spoke towards the girls they both smiled and said a short hey back before bb offered me some of her vape. i accepted of course. and took a few puffs before handing it back with a smile.


the music was loud, there were people everywhere some dancing some cry and some fucking in plain sight. i was stood in the kitchen pouring myself a vodka and redbull before someone backed into me cause the drink to go straight down me. "yo what the fuck!" "shit sorry my bad" "yeah the fuck it is your bad" i glared at the boy before walking to the back garden. i was stood in the garden not knowing what to do as i was drenched. "hey kid!" i looked up seeing if that statement was aimed and me or someone else and to my surprise it was fez he waved me over and i sat next to him. "what happened to you bruh" "some idiot made me spill my drink" he laughed "hey is ash here?" he looked at me and smirked "no he's back at the shop why? you been looking for him" "nah just trynna convince him to gimme a tat" "well it's probably quite at the shop he'll give you one now. i got to do a few things so ill drop you off on the way"
i was in the passenger seat as fezco drove towards the shop he kept looking at me and back to the road. little did i know he could see my scars and the ones that havent had a chance to scar yet or even close up. "hey you bring a jacket?" "nah i forgot" i crossed my arms getting insecure and realising he might see them "at the back of the shop there should be a jacket hung up on the rack, go put that on" i nodded as we reached the shop. i did exactly what fez had said and found the jacket sliding it on.

"what you doing here" ashtray spoke as i walked into what any normal person would see as a refrigerator "fez told me you'd give me a tat cause the shops quiet" "i cant right now the stuffs back at my place tomorrow or something for sure" "okay" i replied quickly before the bell above the door rang letting us know there was a customer.
i stood at the end of the counter watching as ashtray served the customer. after the customer left i noticed the vapes behind ashtray "hey lemme grab one" i say pulling out the 20 dollar bill from my bra and handing it to ash who handed it straight back to me. "you aint gotta pay for anything in here ma" i dont know where the nickname come from but i liked it. i smiled at him letting know i appreciate it before grabbing a pineapple vape and following him back to the refrigerator.
we sat on the couch talking about random shit just getting to know eachother. i think me and ash would get along well.
it was now 12am and ash said the stores closed so hes headed home "you can come with if you want, you can get that tat" i nodded my head as we walked out the shop as ash locked it all up and we started walking down the street "did you not bring a jacket ash you look freezing?" "i did" "so why didn't you grab it?" i asked confused at why the boy didn't grab his jacket from the shop "ma you got it on" he looked at me and for a second i could swear i seen a slight smile. i blushed at the nickname and at the fact i was wearing ashs jacket and we continue walking in a comfortable silence making small talk sometimes.

words: 948

scars // ashtray // euphoriaWhere stories live. Discover now