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they got into the house to see it empty, jessica had gone with mike so it was just them. evie fumbled with her keys to lock the door, going to the window to pull the blinds down and shut the curtains, locking them as well. malakai could see the state of panic on evie's face, he also saw the tear in the back of her skirt and the handprint shaped bruises on her thighs, the blood that had tricked down her thighs and stopped, staining her white socks.

"hey, look at me." malakai gently took evie's face in his hands, making sure he didn't touch the cuts on her face. "do you want to call the cops?" he asked and evie shook her head, mouth too dry to form any words. "let's get you cleaned up, yeah?" she nodded and followed malakai up the stairs.

it was silent apart from the odd creaks in the old floorboards by the bathroom. evie perched on the toilet lid and malakai pulled out the first aid kit from under the sink. they worked in silence, malakai cleaning the cuts on evie's face and helping her clean the blood from her thighs in the shower. when evie got out of the shower, you could see that her body was painted with bruises and malakai felt his heart break.

there was a knock at the door and evie froze, peeking out of the window to see it was the person she'd called. "i'll be back in two minutes." were the first words she'd said in an hour as she opened the front door, closing it gently as she stepped out onto the porch.

"you look like shit." chook commented and evie nodded slowly. "here." he passed her a cigarette and a bottle of xanax.

evie passed him over the money. "about that favour you owe me.."

thirty minutes later, chooks car had driven off and evie walked back into the house to see malakai watching the tv. she felt like a ghost in her own home as malakai followed her upstairs, getting into bed beside evie.

"what was that about?" he asked, threading his fingers between evie's blonde wisps of hair.

"just cashed in on a favour someone owed me." she whispered back, putting her head on his chest before she fell asleep.

the next morning, malakai saw evie wake up and she began to get ready for school like normal. "hey." he called out and evie looked worse for wear, the black eye on her face had really come up in colour more during the night and she had some heavy eye bags. "you're going to school? i thought we could wag." he offered and evie shook her head.

"i.. i need to go." she replied, sitting on the edge of the bed in only her underwear. "if i don't go, people will know something is up and.. i can't risk it, being known as the girl who was raped twice.. i can't. i can't even tell my dad. please don't tell malakai." she asked.

"of course, i won't. i promise." he reassured, holding onto evie's hand and squeezing it. "but just know if you ever want to tell the cops... i'll come with you." evie nodded and gave him a grateful smile.

she put on a long sleeved top which malakai commented was very elena gilbert-esque and then a hoodie over the top of it, some sunglasses to match. she stuck with her sambas and baggy jeans. it took evie thirty minutes to cover up the bruises and cuts on her face and neck with a multitude of makeup.

evie and malakai walked to school with malakai's arm around evie's neck as they walked past spider and ant. they just walked straight to sluts which was apparently now an elective, but malakai and evie elected to stay.

they sat in a far corner away from everyone, evie with her hood up and sunglasses on. "well i'm really glad to see you all." jojo chuckled. "i was kind of worried no one would show up. and i'm pleased to see some new faces too."

"still your sluts miss." amerie said with a smile.

"hey evie i'm pretty sure it's against school code to wear your hood up and sunglasses inside." zoey pointed out and missy rolled her eyes.

"eat my dick zoey." evie replied with a roll of her eyes, no one could see it though.

"she is right unfortunately evie, hood down and sunglasses off please." jojo asked and evie sighed, unzipping her hoodie and taking off her sunglasses. you could see the black eye trying to fight it's way through the makeup and you could see that she had a cut on her cheek and the side of her head.

no one brought anything up but zoey kept staring, making evie lose her patience more and more every second.

"i hope that making slts an elective can help us have healthy discourse about sex and sexual— yeah?" jojo was cut off by darren raising his hand.

"now that it's just us girls.." evie nudged malakai. "can we discuss why straight men don't know how to wash their arseholes properly." everyone chuckled and evie even let out a little laugh.

"i'd like to commend you for inviting other less sex-obsessed students into this class to shift it away from being an echo chamber." the girls at zoey's table begun clicking and evie just scoffed. "what?" zoey said to evie.

"you were on the map too.. what was it? sending a picture of your flaps to ant?" evie called out and everyone let out some 'oos' and jojo promptly scolded evie.

"come get your cousin." darren said to missy who sighed.

"uh racist much? not all blackfullas are related." sasha interjected and evie rolled her eyes.

"no she actually is my cousin." darren sighed making sure it was actually her cousin.

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐓, malakai mitchell Where stories live. Discover now