The first time they met..

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It was one windy dark night as Dan and Phil were outside of a school known as Ghostlydale High, which was a high school meant for ghosts to go to but they were planning to do a prank by scaring the students via pulling the school's fire alarm and making it so everyone got out from their classrooms. They had put all the square-shaped flashlights they found in random parts of the school building so the place wouldn't look so dark inside as Phil told Dan "I have a plan! We need to get those fire alarms to turn on as soon as we pull them." The two were running around through the hallways trying to find where all the switches for the fire alarms were located at, finding one of them. Dan pulled it and sure enough the alarms started blaring like crazy going off throughout the whole building. Both guys were laughing hard as they ran outside the front door and seeing the ghost-students run out of the building trying to avoid getting wet from the sprinklers that came on because of the alarm being pulled off.

Once everything was over and done with, they heard some whistling from a student who was floating to the outside of the school and towards the two as he noticed them, and he ended up speaking to them. He introduced himself as Gold and he asked "So... what is this about?" Phil answered "It was a prank we just pulled." Gold replied "Uh.... whatever...". Dan added "Now let's all go home before the cops come and take us away." Gold then agreed and headed to the principal's office, telling the principal he was sick or something and he needed to be home now. The guys thought nothing more of this and when they went home, they talked about Gold's backstory, his interests and things of that nature as they ordered some pizza to be delivered and ate it together, after that they all took showers and got ready for bed as they were both tired. Later, they ended up falling asleep in their respective beds...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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