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evie followed the rest of the class outside to see that the self proclaimed 'cumlords' were cooking up a pig. when everyone was arguing, evie called over ant out of his argument. "ant you wanna make me up a sandwich?" evie asked.

"yeah sure." he replied. "what's that?" he jabbed his finger into the bruise on evie's cheek. "god you're covered in them aye." he looked slightly concerned but evie just brushed it off.

"got into a fight with a girl at bunkers. no big deal." she said, taking a bite out of the sandwich. "you hear about the game tomorrow?" ant nodded, eating a sliver of pork crackling.

"yeah we're so gonna beat you." he replied and evie rolled her eyes with a chuckle. "we are, boys are more athletic and it's just science." this gained him a slap on the arm. "ow!"

"keep saying stupid misogynistic shit like that and i'll tell your mum."

the next day, evie was sitting waiting for the game to start. "why aren't you in your kit?" woodsy asked and evie shrugged. "go and get in your kit so there's an even number since malakai joined the lords."

"nah i'm good i'm gonna sit this one out." evie replied, wrapping her hoodie more around her.

"evie go, it's compulsory." woodsy said and evie rolled her eyes. "now or detention."

the blonde came back to the oval in her PE kit and everyone stared at her. she still had bruises on her legs, specifically a large handprint on her left thigh and you could clearly see her black eye.

malakai looked over at evie concernedly and jogged over. "hey why are you playing? i thought you were sitting out." he asked, putting his hand on evie's arm.

"woodsy forced me to, plus everyone knows me and missy are the best at the game. prepare to be crushed freshie." she joked a little at the end of the sentence, a small smile as she jogged over to the group of girls who amerie was giving another speech to.

the game went smoothly, the sluts were winning but as evie was running for the ball she felt someones hands on her back and soon enough she had tripped and fallen onto the floor only seeing a pair of cleats and a blue cumlords jersey running off.

evie was helped up by amerie. "who was it?" evie asked and amerie informed her that it was spider. the blonde charged after spider and used all of her strength to shove him. "what the fuck are you doing? shoving me like that." she shouted in his face.

"it's just part of the game." he shrugged and some of the other cumlords laughed. "hey you're a bruised pear now, wouldn't pick you out of a bunch, you're like... damaged goods. no wonder malakai isn't dating you."

before evie could even tell what she was doing, she sucker punched spider right in the nose and everyone oo'ed at her. "what the fuck fruit bitch!" spider shouted and evie just shoved him, the blonde falling back after tripping on his own feet.

evie climbed on top of spider and hit him on his chest, crying as she did so but before she could do too much damage other than the bloody nose, malakai looped his arms around evie's waist and dragged her off.

"it's alright, you're okay, you're fine." malakai whispered to evie, both of them walking off of the oval. "you're okay." they got into the womens changing room and evie sat on the bench, crying into malakai's shoulder.

she'd cried off the concealer from her eyes so her black eye shone through, malakai rubbing evie's back as she let out broken sobs. "he called me damaged goods and— and said no wonder you aren't dating me." she heaved in and out a breath, feeling spiders hands on her back, the man putting his hands in the exact same place.

"evie holloway my office as soon as you're changed!" woodsy shouted through the changing rooms until she saw evie crying into malakai who was trying his best to soothe her. "are you okay?" she asked and malakai shook his head. "okay well.. make sure she gets to class okay. thank you malakai."

after evie was changed, she was wearing a long sleeved shirt and some jeans, her and malakai were walking back to class. "you gonna be okay in there?" he asked softly, hand on the side of evie's face, thumb rubbing back and forth.

"i'll be okay." she whispered back, adoration in her eyes as she stared at malakai. "thank you." she leaned up and placed a soft kiss on his lips before turning and walking into sluts.

she sat miserably with missy and sasha, not looking at the latter. "there are plenty of other safe places around the school—" jojo was cut off by zoey's laugh. "something to add, zoe?"

"well, is this a safe space? or is it a space that encourages teens to have sex." whilst zoey went over her celibacy and evie just groaned. "it's the reason i don't get into the sort of unfortunate situations that some other girls have found themselves in." she looked straight at evie.

amerie, harper and darren jumped straight to evie's defence. "keep talking." evie urged her.

"i'm just saying if you've made it no secret that you're the kind of girl that has threesomes, has no sense of self worth and you get picked up by guys on the side of the road for sex—" evie leapt out of her seat and jojo put herself between evie and zoey.

zoey had seen what happened to evie and didn't help her.

"say it again zoey!" evie yelled. "say it." she screamed and when jojo pulled her back, evie snatched her bag off of the floor and slammed the door to the classroom.

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐓, malakai mitchell Where stories live. Discover now